Is it possible to be able to finish a SCI 3 game in scummvm?
I've see that rama is fully playable with the nightly build (although I'm only in the beginning of the game).
by the way rama has a playstation version (released only in japan) is it a SCI game like the pc\mac version ?
(The wiki doesn't mention this version but Wikipedia and mobygames say that it exists).
Here are the pictures from the version of rama that I have :
Wow It looks pretty identical to the pc version
(so maybe it does use the sci engine)
but it's in Japanese.
After I beat The pc version of rama I really want to try this version (There's also a Japanese Sega Saturn version of phantasmagoria named phantasm but it doesn't use the sci engine at all).
When running the pc version in scummvm I encountered some weird behavior: when I added rama to the scummvm game menu and I chose The root directory of disc 1
scummvm recognizes the DOS version of rama.
and when I merged The game's 3 cd's into one folder
and selected that folder and added it to scummvm
it recognized the WINDOWS version of rama.
(It should have recognized both versions but maybe I did something wrong in the merging)
I think (But not sure I'll have to test it again)
That the windows version has more glitches and crashes than the dos version of rama when running them in scummvm.
I guess that The SCI 3 engine support is not fully yet
but it's still very impressive to be able to play those games in scummvm (It is possible to run SCI 3 games in dosbox and using a special installer make them run under 64 bit windows natively but scummvm gives a better experience).