Apple DLS midi synth

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Apple DLS midi synth

Post by ChrisTheFox »

I've had issues with core audio midi support in the previous version of ScummVM where the audio freaks out and hurts my ears, I was wondering if it works properly now.
Edit: I changed 'core midi' to 'core audio'.
Last edited by ChrisTheFox on Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by criezy »

The best way to know if to try it. There was not much modifications with this code though so if there were issues with previous verions, you will likely have the same issues with the latest version.

I am not aware of any such issue though, so it would be good to create a bug report with details if the issue still occurs.

And I am not sure either if you mean the Core Audio code, which provides the Apple DLS softsynth option, or the Core Midi code, which provides access to MIDI devices (since your message indicates both core midi and Apple DLS synth). Note also that in the latest version "Core Audio" has been renamed to "Apple DLS softsynth" and "Core Midi" has been renamed to include the name of the device.
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Post by ChrisTheFox »

oops, I meant core audio. And thanks for responding. Weirdly, there was a period where it worked perfectly, and then one day it just decided to stop working correctly and freak out. And I'll give it another try, whenever I muster the courage to do so.
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