I have a question about the audio files from the game "Tales from Monkey Island". Namely, files with game data are mainly ttarch files, and those that interest me are sound (speech/voice) files.
For example, the first episode "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal" has a file "2_MonkeyIsland101_pc_voice.ttarch".
This file contains .aud and .vox files. I noticed that .aud files are for the main character (Guybrush), and .vox for the rest of the characters. I opened this file using the program "Telltale Speech Extractor". In this program you can listen to these files and save them in a different format (.ogg, mp3 or wav).
However, I unpacked the files with another "ttarchext" program.
And here my question begins: How to convert mp3s, wav files or ogg to .aud or .vox?
I want to do Polish dubbing for this game.
Technical information from the creator (maybe help, I do not know about it)
Regards!Technical details:
The speech files used in Telltale games have changed over time, generally speaking there are 4 types of audio file used:
(.VOX) Vox V1 - These use the Speex codec to store the speech, however the Speex data is not stored in a vorbis container. The audio is divided up into 'packets', some of which are encrypted.
(.VOX) Vox V2 - These are esentially the same as Vox V1 - but the file header is different and there's no encryption.
(.AUD) Ogg audio - These are standard Ogg files with an extra header. The format of the header is not always the same and changes between games.