Secret of Monkey Island CD with adlib

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Secret of Monkey Island CD with adlib

Post by Darkbluesky »


For years I have been willing to replay SOMI another time, but I wanted to use the version which has the MI2 UI, so with less verbs and images for the inventory. This is the CD version. The problem is that it has also CD music, and I wanted to play it with adlib/SoundBlaster one. I prefer it over the CD tracks.

I know that the CD versions SHOULD play adlib if CD tracks are not present, they came even with a configuration tool for that! but I have tried, launching command line with 'a' modifier, without CD on tray, nor a CD image, neither the tracks in the game folder...whatever but I simply end without any sound/music.

Do you know how can I force it to play adlib music instead of CD tracks? Thanks!
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Re: Secret of Monkey Island CD with adlib

Post by corpse »

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Re: Secret of Monkey Island CD with adlib

Post by Darkbluesky »

Ops! Sorry, I feel ashamed now, and with a reason.

I forgot about this, I have stopped thinking on these games for years, and now I see I asked the same, more than ten years ago. At least that means I am coherent with my tastes, oh well…

Then I guess there is no other solution? I see adlib.ims, soundblas.ims, speaker.ims and roland.ims files in the CD folder, and the monkey.exe launches a sound configuration where you can select among speaker, soundblaster or roland...which is strange they added this setup tool without a reason...
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Re: Secret of Monkey Island CD with adlib

Post by LogicDeLuxe »

The adlib.ims is there because the game uses Adlib for some sound effects.
Also the CD version is SCUMM V5 while the disk versions use SCUMM V4, which had a different MIDI engine. And the CD version has infact no MIDI music at all.

That said, I did convert the MT-32 tracks to Adlib for my Ultimate Talkie Edition, which of course does sound different to the disk versions due to said engine differences. If you have the SE, you can get the builder here:
Or you can listen to it here:
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Re: Secret of Monkey Island CD with adlib

Post by Darkbluesky »

Thanks for your answer. I have your ultimate edition (I have SE). But it indeed sounds different from the disk version (whose adlib music I like a lot more). I guess it is not possible to port the midi engine from the disk to CD one, it isn't?

If not, then I have to choose among

1-play CD version with CD music (don't like)
2-play ultimate with adlib (don't like too much)
3-play disk version with old UI (pffff…)
4-record disk adlib versions and replace the CD tracks

in case of option 4, do you know if they would became out of sync? At first, it seems easy to do...

On the other hand using your ultimate edition seems a good compromise, but I should translate completely to Spanish. I have the tools around already, but although I can extract texts with scummtr I can't inject them back without breaking the questions when you want to quit game, etc. Ingame the questions appear just as "Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N)Y" and 'Y' does nothing.
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