full screen support?

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full screen support?

Post by nathanel.mori »


Does anyone know if there's any way to play using ResidualVM in full screen? If not, is it one of the planned features?
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Post by MeddlingMonk »

You have to manually edit the ResidualVM configuration file to enable fullscreen as that's not yet possible through the GUI. It's a simple matter of changing fullscreen=false to fullscreen=true, but where the configuration file is located (and what it's exact name is) depends on your OS. Take a look at the Running ResidualVM page on the wiki.
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Post by apennismightier »

I tried searching for the residual.ini on my system. It is NOWHERE to be found. I turned on to show all hidden files and folders.

Where would it be located in Vista?
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Post by apennismightier »

NVM found it.
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Post by somaen »

Glad to see you got it sorted out.

Please stick to posting your troubles to one thread though. (And preferably just edit your own post instead of double-posting.)
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Can't get it on fullscreen

Post by daguz113 »

I have the same problem. I can't find the ResidualVM preferences folder in my home/library/preferences. I turned on the show hidden but I can't find it anywhere. Also in the ResidualVM options menu under 'Graphics' it's totally blank. Is this normal?

But thnx sooo much for making playing this game possible on the mac :D It makes me a happy man
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Post by somaen »

It SHOULD be there, if you have launched ResidualVM once (and added a game to it), and then closed ResidualVM.

Did you find your Library folder (it's hidden on Lion), the file itself has a space in it's name, so it's "ResidualVM\ Preferences" if you're using the terminal, otherwise, you should always be able to find it with Spotlight, simply searching for it.

Take care though, editing the file while ResidualVM is open, will result in ResidualVM overwriting your changes on exit.
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Fullscreen goes black

Post by Sethman »

Hi! I got Grim Fandango up and running fine but my problem is when I switch "fullscreen=false" to "fullscreen=true" and attempt to play the game the screen goes completely black. There's still music but no picture. Any diagnostic for this problem? Thanks.
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Post by somaen »

There is some support for switching with alt-enter too btw.

Which OS and ResidualVM-version are you running? (And which language-version of Grim?)
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Post by Sethman »

I'm running OS X 10.6.8 and ResidualVM 0.0.7git

And I'm running it in english
I use ScummVM too a lot and the fullscreen is triggered by alt-enter but ResidualVM does nothing when I use that command
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Post by bigfoot732 »

You might need to build a newer version from git. It seems to be working on my machine, which is from about two days ago (and is showing up as 0.0.8git).

Hope this helps!
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Post by Sethman »

I will do that! Thanks for the help. I'll stay in touch if it fails to work.
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Post by Sethman »

It worked! Thanks so much.
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fullscreen turns black

Post by Pillow »

Hi guys,
I've got the same problem as sethman. my screen turns black as soon as I try to start grim in fullscreen mode. the music is still running, though. I've got the latest version (0.0.8git (Feb 27 2012 22:07:07) so I think that can't be the problem.... any ideas?

Sethman did you do something else?
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Post by dimitriapostol »

having the same issue as daguz113.

I'm running Mac OS X Lion (10.7.3), and when I try either:
1) in Finder, Go->Go To Folder, ~/Library/Preferences/ResidualVM Preferences
2) in Terminal, cd ~/Library/Preferences/ResidualVM\ Preferences
3) Spotlight search for residualvm.ini

all three don't work. I've opened ResidualVM and successfully played Grim Fandango a bunch. Just want to play it in fullscreen. Any ideas?

EDIT: found it. The file is ~/Library/Preferences/Residual Preferences. No extension.
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