Installing Grim on Mac

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Post by somaen »

Drop the build subdirectory.

Code: Select all

cd residual-tools
cp tools/patchex/patchex build
(Where the last line is optional, as you can also just do:)

Code: Select all

cd build
../tools/patchex/patchex gfupd101.exe EN

Does the trick here, while there are some pathing issues that breaks it if you do the extra cd build and ../configure solution. I did get the exact same problems as you did when I attempted to use a build subdirectory on my mac.
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Post by kalonite »

Edit: You can ignore this, I was being stupid!

Thank you! That certainly got me further. I got rid of the residual-tools folder I had, started fresh, and now I'm this far. Am I supposed to do "sudo make install" now? It doesn't work, but I have a feeling I'm just missing something stupid.

Code: Select all

Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ ./configure
Running Tools configure...
Looking for C++ compiler... g++
Checking for compiler version... 4.2.1, ok
Checking endianness... little
Type with 1 byte... char
Type with 2 bytes... short
Type with 4 bytes... int
Type with 8 bytes... long
Target 64 bits... yes
Compiling for x86... yes
Checking hosttype... darwin11.2.0
Alignment required... no
Checking whether to have a verbose build... no
Checking for Ogg Vorbis... no
Checking for Tremor... no
Checking for FLAC >= 1.0.1... no
Checking for MAD... no
Checking for zlib... yes

Creating config.h
Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ make
Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ cd build
Craigs-MacBook:build Craig$ ../tools/patchex/patchex gfupd101.exe US
Unable to open gfupd101.exe!
Craigs-MacBook:build Craig$ ../tools/patchex/patchex gfupd101.exe EN
English selected.
Unable to open gfupd101.exe!
Craigs-MacBook:build Craig$ cd ..
Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ cd ..
Craigs-MacBook:~ Craig$ git clone git://
fatal: destination path 'residual-tools' already exists and is not an empty directory.
Craigs-MacBook:~ Craig$ git clone git://
Cloning into residual-tools...
remote: Counting objects: 528, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (205/205), done.
remote: Total 528 (delta 344), reused 501 (delta 320)
Receiving objects: 100% (528/528), 261.46 KiB | 324 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (344/344), done.
Craigs-MacBook:~ Craig$ cd residual-tools
Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ ./configure
Running Tools configure...
Looking for C++ compiler... g++
Checking for compiler version... 4.2.1, ok
Checking endianness... little
Type with 1 byte... char
Type with 2 bytes... short
Type with 4 bytes... int
Type with 8 bytes... long
Target 64 bits... yes
Compiling for x86... yes
Checking hosttype... darwin11.2.0
Alignment required... no
Checking whether to have a verbose build... no
Checking for Ogg Vorbis... no
Checking for Tremor... no
Checking for FLAC >= 1.0.1... no
Checking for MAD... no
Checking for zlib... yes

Creating config.h
Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ make
    C++      tools/lua/lapi.o
    C++      tools/lua/lauxlib.o
    C++      tools/lua/lbuffer.o
    C++      tools/lua/lbuiltin.o
    C++      tools/lua/ldo.o
    C++      tools/lua/lfunc.o
    C++      tools/lua/lgc.o
    C++      tools/lua/liolib.o
    C++      tools/lua/llex.o
    C++      tools/lua/lmathlib.o
    C++      tools/lua/lmem.o
    C++      tools/lua/lobject.o
    C++      tools/lua/lparser.o
    C++      tools/lua/lstate.o
    C++      tools/lua/lstring.o
    C++      tools/lua/lstrlib.o
    C++      tools/lua/ltable.o
    C++      tools/lua/ltask.o
    C++      tools/lua/ltm.o
    C++      tools/lua/lundump.o
    C++      tools/lua/lvm.o
    C++      tools/lua/lzio.o
    AR       tools/lua/liblua.a
    RANLIB   tools/lua/liblua.a
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common -Ltools/lua -o tools/delua tools/delua.cpp  -lm -llua
mkdir -p tools/.deps
g++  -Wall -o tools/imc2wav tools/imc2wav.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
g++  -Wall -o tools/int2flt tools/int2flt.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common -o tools/cosb2cos tools/emi/cosb2cos.cpp  -lm
    C++      tools/emi/meshb2obj.o
    C++      tools/emi/lab.o
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common tools/emi/lab.o -o tools/meshb2obj tools/emi/meshb2obj.o  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common tools/emi/lab.o -o tools/sklb2txt tools/emi/sklb2txt.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common tools/emi/lab.o -o tools/animb2txt tools/emi/animb2txt.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common tools/emi/lab.o -o tools/setb2set tools/emi/setb2set.cpp  -lm
tools/emi/setb2set.cpp: In member function ÔÇÿvirtual std::string Sector::ToString()':
tools/emi/setb2set.cpp:151: warning: enumeration value ÔÇÿNoneType' not handled in switch
tools/emi/setb2set.cpp: In constructor ÔÇÿSetup::Setup(Data*)':
tools/emi/setb2set.cpp:211: warning: unused variable ÔÇÿunknown'
mkdir -p tools/.deps
g++  -Wall -o tools/set2fig tools/set2fig.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common tools/emi/lab.o -o tools/til2bmp tools/emi/til2bmp.cpp  -lm -lz
mkdir -p tools/.deps
g++  -Wall -o tools/unlab tools/unlab.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
g++  -Wall -o tools/mklab tools/mklab.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
g++  -Wall -o tools/vima tools/vima.cpp  -lm
mkdir -p tools/.deps
	-L./common -o tools/labcopy tools/labcopy.cpp  -lm
    C++      tools/patchex/patchex.o
    C++      tools/patchex/mszipd.o
    C++      tools/patchex/cabd.o
mkdir -p tools/patchex/.deps
g++  tools/patchex/mszipd.o tools/patchex/cabd.o -Wall -o tools/patchex/patchex tools/patchex/patchex.o  -lm
Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ cp tools /patchex/patchex build
usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file target_file
       cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file ... target_directory
Then I get:

Code: Select all

Craigs-MacBook:residual-tools Craig$ sudo make install
install -d "/usr/local/bin"
install -c -s -m 755 "./residual" "/usr/local/bin/residual"
install: ./residual: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 71
Again, thanks for the help, and I'm sorry if I'm being horrifically ignorant!

Edit: I forgot that you'd given the "tools/patchex/patchex gfupd101.exe EN" line. Put that in and out came the files. Thanks again for the help!

Edit again:
And I have subtitles! Perfect. There's no way I could have done that without your guidance. Thank you!
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Post by leovader »

I'm in the same boat as kalonite before he figured it out.

Leo-Vaders-MacBook-Pro:residual-tools vaderboiling$ sudo make install
install -d "/usr/local/bin"
install -c -s -m 755 "./residual" "/usr/local/bin/residual"
install: ./residual: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 71

I checked and there is indeed no file called residual in that folder. How do I make one there?

I loved this game when I was a kid and now I'm stuck at the forklift part! Wahhh. Thanks for your help.
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Post by giucam »

Indeed make install is broken atm. Anyway you don't need it, you can call the tools from the build_directory/tools.
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Post by somaen »

leovader wrote:I'm in the same boat as kalonite before he figured it out.

Leo-Vaders-MacBook-Pro:residual-tools vaderboiling$ sudo make install
install -d "/usr/local/bin"
install -c -s -m 755 "./residual" "/usr/local/bin/residual"
install: ./residual: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 71

I checked and there is indeed no file called residual in that folder. How do I make one there?
If you followed my recipe above, notice that I never mentioned "sudo make install", besides I wouldn't really install the residual-tools as system-wide tools at this point.
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Post by MeddlingMonk »

somaen wrote:If you followed my recipe above, notice that I never mentioned "sudo make install", besides I wouldn't really install the residual-tools as system-wide tools at this point.
Not on a Mac, certainly. Linux? Go for it. But Apple has chosen to keep the system part of the file system segregated from the user part and it's best to respect that. I wouldn't recommend ever doing "make install" on a Mac.
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Post by leovader »

Yeah, that was going off of the wiki and it seemed to get me the closest so I posted that. Sorry.

Now I made it here:

Leo-Vaders-MacBook-Pro:residual-tools vaderboiling$ cd build
Leo-Vaders-MacBook-Pro:build vaderboiling$ ../tools/patchex/patchex gfupd101.exe US
Unable to open gfupd101.exe!

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Post by somaen »

Is gfupd101.exe located in the build-folder?
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Post by leovader »

Hahahaha it is now. Thanks so much for your time and knowledge!
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