The Feeble Files

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Post by Xqwtzs »

i played feeble files with scummvm the last few days and i have to say that the video files aren't the only problem. The animations don't work really good as well. E.G. the robot in the jail, if you destroy it, it disappears suddenly and in the jungle if you want to hunt this little guy the whole game crashes. I think there are a lot of bugs still, but i hope you solve that all! really good work till yet!
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Post by Xqwtzs »

don't know if you know about it, but there is one problem in the game that is really big! If you're back from the jail and u're back in metroid city, dno name, there's one mini-game. U've to kill guirds (is it written right?). The Arcade game works good, only the screens between it, doesn't. Ok that game i am meaning is sure important and it is only displayed a black screen and then the question :"Do u want to repeat?" but u cant etc.
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

Xqwtzs wrote:don't know if you know about it, but there is one problem in the game that is really big! If you're back from the jail and u're back in metroid city, dno name, there's one mini-game. U've to kill guirds (is it written right?). The Arcade game works good, only the screens between it, doesn't. Ok that game i am meaning is sure important and it is only displayed a black screen and then the question :"Do u want to repeat?" but u cant etc.
Unfortunately, ScummVM is unable to understand the original Smacker cutscenes. They have to be re-encoded, which is a fairly long and tedious process since they first have to be taken apart using the RAD Video Tools and then put back together using the encode_dxa command-line tool. (DXA is the format used by the Macintosh and Amiga versions of the game.)

I'm not sure if this tool is included in the Windows snapshot, but if it is, the README file should provide some more information about it.

I also don't know if there's any non-Windows version of the RAD Video Tools. I was able to run them under Linux using Wine, but the situation is far from ideal. I know the ffmpeg project is working on support for the Smacker format (I wouldn't be surprised if that's mentioned in this very thread), but since RAD Game Tools are still licensing Smacker commercially, and we wouldn't want to get in trouble with them, we're still in "wait and see" mode.
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Post by DarkSoul »

Well I've played it, start to finish, and only suffered the already mentioned graphical glitch with the jailer. All my dxa cutscenes worked fine. No problems with gameplay, excellient job.
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Post by Xqwtzs »

your cut scenes are working? how that? do u use 4 CD Version?
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Post by DarkSoul »

i didnt use the compression on them. worked fine without it. and no, i have the 2cd english version.
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Post by pleggo »

I'm sure that i'm not blind. I have the 4cd windows version, but i cannot find the GAME22, save.999, TABLES* and TBLLIST files on any of the Cds. Where are they?

Thanx for the help.
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Post by Oncer »

@pleggo: You need the files from your installation, too. Install the game and copy them over.
Just one question:

I use the german 4CD version of the Feeble Files (aka Floyd). On my CD there are several video files with different filenames. Shocked

Mix_Feeb1.smk -> MIX_FE~1.SMK
Mix_Feeb2.smk -> MIX_FE~2.SMK
Mix_Feeb3.smk -> MIX_FE~3.SMK
oldpills2 -> OLDPIL~1.SMK
newcredits -> NEWCRE~1.SMK
This is a bug of the german version. Rename MIX_FE~1.SMK, MIX_FE~2.SMK and NEWCRE~1.SMK to the correct names and you will see cutscenes you never saw before ;). I'm not sure about the other ones, but I think they are correct.

And, by the way, as I'm rather good in writing NT batch scripts, here is one that solves all your converting troubles:
(extracts PNG and WAV, merges them to DXA, converts voices to FLAC and deletes the obsolete files, works only with NT/2000/XP)

Code: Select all

@echo off
rem Feeble Files wav->fla and smk->dxa batch convertor
rem You are going to need the latest ScummVM snapshot (,
rem the FLAC Tools binaries for Windows (,
rem and the RAD Video tools (!
rem Set the path variables in this file to the correspondending paths on your system.
rem Copy the content of all Feeble CDs and all the files of your installation
rem to one folder, renaming the four "voice.wav" files to "voice1.wav" to "voice4.wav".
rem Then copy this batch file to the same directory, open a console window and run it.
rem Happy Converting!

echo Setting environment variables...
rem -- Set these to the correspondending paths on your system --
SET FLAC_PATH=E:\flac\bin

if "%1"=="/d" goto delete

echo Converting voice files...
for %%i in (voices?.wav) do %TOOLS_PATH%\compress_simon.exe --flac %%i

echo Extracting frames out of the Smacker files...
for %%i in (*.smk) do %BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe %%i %%~ni.png  /n-1 /z1 /#
echo Extracting sound out of the Smacker files...
for %%i in (*.smk) do %BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe %%i %%~ni.wav /v /#

echo Creating DXA files...
for %%i in (*.smk) do %TOOLS_PATH%\encode_dxa.exe %%~ni .\

echo Converting finished!
echo Check if everything is ok, then execute
echo "convertor.bat /d" to delete the now obsolete files!
echo Then you can delete this file too.

goto quit
del *.wav
del *.png
del *.smk
goto quit
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Post by pleggo »

Thanxs Oncer.

I also have the 4cd german version, but on my cds the files have correct filenames.
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Post by Kirben »

Xqwtzs wrote:i played feeble files with scummvm the last few days and i have to say that the video files aren't the only problem. The animations don't work really good as well. E.G. the robot in the jail, if you destroy it, it disappears suddenly and in the jungle if you want to hunt this little guy the whole game crashes. I think there are a lot of bugs still, but i hope you solve that all! really good work till yet!
The image glitch when robot malfunctions in Cynus Alpha is fixed now. The odd crash that can occur when chasing the native in the maze should be fixed now too.
pleggo wrote:I'm sure that i'm not blind. I have the 4cd windows version, but i cannot find the GAME22, save.999, TABLES* and TBLLIST files on any of the Cds. Where are they?
Those files are contained in, which is an InstallerShield cab file. So will need to run the installer under Windows or extract with utility like i5comp.
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Post by Xqwtzs »

And, by the way, as I'm rather good in writing NT batch scripts, here is one that solves all your converting troubles:
(extracts PNG and WAV, merges them to DXA, converts voices to FLAC and deletes the obsolete files, works only with NT/2000/XP)

Code: Select all

@echo off
rem Feeble Files wav->fla and smk->dxa batch convertor
rem You are going to need the latest ScummVM snapshot (,
rem the FLAC Tools binaries for Windows (,
rem and the RAD Video tools (!
rem Set the path variables in this file to the correspondending paths on your system.
rem Copy the content of all Feeble CDs and all the files of your installation
rem to one folder, renaming the four "voice.wav" files to "voice1.wav" to "voice4.wav".
rem Then copy this batch file to the same directory, open a console window and run it.
rem Happy Converting!

echo Setting environment variables...
rem -- Set these to the correspondending paths on your system --
SET FLAC_PATH=E:\flac\bin

if "%1"=="/d" goto delete

echo Converting voice files...
for %%i in (voices?.wav) do %TOOLS_PATH%\compress_simon.exe --flac %%i

echo Extracting frames out of the Smacker files...
for %%i in (*.smk) do %BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe %%i %%~ni.png  /n-1 /z1 /#
echo Extracting sound out of the Smacker files...
for %%i in (*.smk) do %BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe %%i %%~ni.wav /v /#

echo Creating DXA files...
for %%i in (*.smk) do %TOOLS_PATH%\encode_dxa.exe %%~ni .\

echo Converting finished!
echo Check if everything is ok, then execute
echo "convertor.bat /d" to delete the now obsolete files!
echo Then you can delete this file too.

goto quit
del *.wav
del *.png
del *.smk
goto quit
Uff that's really difficult to understand :? . I downloaded now RAD Video Tools and i can watch the video files, but not in the game. I think your instructions could help me, but i don't understand them because my english is bad, because i am german. The files you said had the wrong names, allright i renamed them, but i think that wasn't a bug, because i saw the videos before.
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Post by FeebleFiles1 »


this is a great script, but can you add a function that ask the user if he wants convert the voice to ogg, mp3, or flac?

that would be very great
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Post by Xqwtzs »

i recognized that it is a script and i wanted to start it with RAD, i downloaded all stuff and i renamed the paths. But it don't works, what am i doing wrong? :(

# Error running: @echo off
# Error running: rem Feeble Files wav->fla and smk->dxa batch convertor
# Error running: rem
# Error running: rem You are going to need the latest ScummVM snapshot (,
# Error running: rem the FLAC Tools binaries for Windows (,
# Error running: rem and the RAD Video tools (!
# Error running: rem Set the path variables in this file to the correspondending paths on your system.
# Error running: rem
# Error running: rem Copy the content of all Feeble CDs and all the files of your installation
# Error running: rem to one folder, renaming the four "voice.wav" files to "voice1.wav" to "voice4.wav".
# Error running: rem Then copy this batch file to the same directory, open a console window and run it.
# Error running: rem
# Error running: rem Happy Converting!

# Error running: echo Setting environment variables...
# Error running: rem -- Set these to the correspondending paths on your system --
# Error running: SET FLAC_PATH=C:\Programme\flac\bin
# Error running: SET TOOLS_PATH=C:\Programme\ScummVM\tools
# Error running: SET BINK_PATH=C:\Programme\RADVideo

# Error running: if "%1"=="/d" goto delete

# Error running: echo Converting voice files...
# Error running: SET PATH=%PATH%;%FLAC_PATH%
# Error running: for %%i in (voices?.wav) do %TOOLS_PATH%\compress_simon.exe --flac %%i

# Error running: echo Extracting frames out of the Smacker files...
# Error running: for %%i in (*.smk) do %BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe %%i %%~ni.png /n-1 /z1 /#
# Error running: echo Extracting sound out of the Smacker files...
# Error running: for %%i in (*.smk) do %BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe %%i %%~ni.wav /v /#

# Error running: echo Creating DXA files...
# Error running: for %%i in (*.smk) do %TOOLS_PATH%\encode_dxa.exe %%~ni .\

# Error running: echo.
# Error running: echo Converting finished!
# Error running: echo Check if everything is ok, then execute
# Error running: echo "convertor.bat /d" to delete the now obsolete files!
# Error running: echo Then you can delete this file too.
# Error running: echo.

# Error running: goto quit
# Error running: :delete
# Error running: del *.wav
# Error running: del *.png
# Error running: del *.smk
# Error running: goto quit
# Error running: :quit
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:02 pm

Post by FeebleFiles1 »

Oncer wrote:@pleggo: You need the files from your installation, too. Install the game and copy them over.
Just one question:

I use the german 4CD version of the Feeble Files (aka Floyd). On my CD there are several video files with different filenames. Shocked

Mix_Feeb1.smk -> MIX_FE~1.SMK
Mix_Feeb2.smk -> MIX_FE~2.SMK
Mix_Feeb3.smk -> MIX_FE~3.SMK
oldpills2 -> OLDPIL~1.SMK
newcredits -> NEWCRE~1.SMK
This is a bug of the german version. Rename MIX_FE~1.SMK, MIX_FE~2.SMK and NEWCRE~1.SMK to the correct names and you will see cutscenes you never saw before ;). I'm not sure about the other ones, but I think they are correct.

This is a bug which is not available in my german version. in my version of the game i can see all the cutscenes and they dont have so silly names as in your version of the german game. I have the 4 cd version too. This names you have say above sounds like ms-dos names more not.
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Post by Vinterstum »

Xqwtzs wrote:stuff
If I understand you correctly, you're trying to run the script as a RAD game tools script or something similar?

That won't work, the script is a DOS batch file.

Create a new file with extension .bat, copy the contents
into it (using Notepad for example), then run it as you would any Windows application.
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