Testing: Grim Fandango

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Post by Malbrouck »


I could successfully complete the game with the following version of residualvm: 0.1.0-pre399376e
I used the french version of the game on a Mac running OSX Lion 10.7.2 and later 10.7.3.

The only thing I noted is the text going too fast during cutscenes. It wasn't a major problem as I could get the speech in my native language.

Thanks a lot to the development team for this great software ! (now looking ahead for Monkey Island 4 support...)
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Post by Desmondo »

Just finished the Game using ResidualVM v0.1.0-pre (May 6 build) under Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal. The game is very playable, passable and enjoyable as ever, thank you very much.
But I've noticed a few minor bugs:
1) Manny's shadow becomes white in some scenes (final one for example)
2) Once after I talked with Olivia in Rubacava (Year 2) Manny just stopped moving. I couldn't take control over him back so I had to load saved game.
3) Olivia shakes strangely when she returns to her place after another poem for example. (I almost sure that I'v seen the same her behavior in original game)
4) Subtitles are ok everywhere except in Glottis' "Rusty Anchor" song (Year 2, Rubacava). I don't remember if there were subtitles in original game or not, but now there are no subtitles there. Also Glottis' head desappears sometimes when he sings and plays piano.
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Post by drdoomslab »


I'm currently having trouble getting sound to work in full screen mode. I'm using Win7 64-bit, ATI 5850 CAT 11.11, ResidualVM v0.1.0-Pre (May 6th), desktop res of 1280x800 and the sound is outputting using the HDMI port going to a Denon AVR amp and then onto the projector.

I get a picture (very nice and AA), and it all works in windowed mode (including sound!). When I ALT-TAB out of full screen the music and sound effects are playing in the background.

I have a feeling it might be that HDMI does not support 640x480 and sound.

If this is true, is there any way of running it in full screen windowed mode? or at a higher res like 800x600? Or re-size the window?

I've also found that when I hear the music/audio there is a very faint crackle. It also sounds like its of lower quality. When running the game normally (using the Grim Launcher with window mode) it sounds fine (no crackle).

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Post by somaen »

Sadly, for 0.1 we don't support anything but 640x480 (nor have we added any further support in the nightlies), what happens if you use ALT-ENTER to switch between fullscreen and windowed?
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Post by drdoomslab »

As I said in my previous post the audio works in windowed mode but not full screen mode. This is including alt-enter between fullscreen and windowed mode.

I've also seen that the amp displays no audio input on the LED screen when I'm in full screen mode. So its looking more and more likely that its that HDMI audio is not supported at 640x480. (i can't find anything in the HDMI spec's but I got something in the back of my head that audio only works for 800x600 and up)

I guess I need to find a program to zoom the screen in like magnifier in win7 but more configurable as the mouse pointer gets in the way and it zooms in too much. Can anyone recommended anything?

Thanks in advance. And ResidualVM team keep up the good work.

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Post by Bessarion »

Just finished a complete run through Grim Fandango. I'm thrilled to see that this project has made so much progress, helping to ensure GF will survive into the era of modern computers!

All I encountered were a few graphical glitches, all of which have been reported in the bug tracker already. The only one that wasn't was an issue with the final cutscene at Hector's greenhouse, and I'm not even sure it's a bug rather than my bad memory:

Part of the final animation of Hector dying doesn't play, I think. It shows the flowers slapping up against the door, then skips to Manny tossing down his gun. I seem to remember there being something in between, not sure.

PS. I played through on Windows 7 x64, ResidualVM 0.1pre, patched GF. I'll likely try it on Linux and a different machine soon, and post here if I encounter any errors.
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Completed Today!

Post by Axel_F »

Hi Guys!

First of all, thanks for creating ResidualVM! Was great to play Grim again. Completed it on a Debian 64 machine.

Only had one major problem during the shootout at the glasshouse. I guess the same as Issue #424. While shooting at Hector, suddenly the view changed to the back of the glasshouse (same view where Manny found Sal's body few minutes before), but Manny was invisible. I had to restore from an old save state.

Overall, some graphical glitches, e.g.
- during metal search Carla was split in two horizontally
- Subtitles overlapping in VIP lounge when Glottis is shouting in the back.
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Post by mlistening »

Yet another beta-test: 0.1.0-pre(May 6), OS X 10.6.8, MacBook Pro5,3. I was able to finish just fine with only a few smaller issues. Thank you to everyone at ResidualVM! I can't wait to see EOMI happening...

Desmondo wrote:Once after I talked with Olivia in Rubacava (Year 2) Manny just stopped moving. I couldn't take control over him back so I had to load saved game.
I can confirm this. This does not happen the first time you speak to Olivia, but at some later point.

The only other annoying problems occured at the Edge of the World in year 3:

2. When you walk up to the crane at its initial position and do not interact with it as early as possible but try to walk towards the ladder to the left, you can get glitch-trapped at the edge in front of the ladder. But this may be a preexisting Grim bug, I remember something like that.

3. In this part of the world, Manny tends to lose his gestics and mimics altogether for several scenes (could be resolved by interacting with the belt-conveyer lever every time).

4. About half of the times I used the belt conveyer to go visit Glottis on the ship hanging off the Edge, the new screen (ship) did not load. I was left with a black screen (I am not sure whether the game froze or only the graphics, though).

EDIT: I am going to check with the BugTracker later.
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my 5 cents

Post by kompadre »

Thank you, thank you very much for bringing this wonderful game!

Ran Grim through a couple of times on Debian Squeeze (toshiba portege r-500 lappy). Everything or almost looks the same (which is great!)

Here's my buggies anyway

- Year 1, when Manny tosses the first baloon with chemicals (watch out below), no music is playing in the cutscene, there's only the sound of baloon torn to shreds.
Save just before: http://f.gsmb.eu/grim20.gsv

- Year 1, Petrified Forest, there's a strange behavior which kinda creates a new puzzle to those who already played Grim and can be really enjoyable. It consists in Manny not being able to squeeze past Bone Wagon in the scene where you "can't pass up an old creepy key" - a key is hanging from a post. The solution I found to this was to drive Glottis one screen back, park him there and come to get the key on foot. Anyhow that didn't use to happen in the original game, I believe.
Save just before: http://f.gsmb.eu/grim21.gsv

- Year 2, when Manny clibms into Toto's place only head is seen, the rest of the body passes magically through the metal. Note that Year 4, when he's back again to Rubacava, he climbs like a pro (without glitches).
Save just before: http://f.gsmb.eu/grim19.gsv
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Post by met5678 »

Thank you so much for creating this! I've been wanting to play this game so long, but haven't been able to because it would always crash within about 5 minutes of starting (while talking to Eva). I can now get at least outside of Mani's building.

Still, though, I'm having two issues. One, the bigger one, is that EVERY video is whited out. The audio still plays and the subtitles still work, but all I see is white. For the intro cutscene, it's the full screen, and for those that only take up part of the screen, I just see a giant white rectangle around where the video should be playing (for example, Glottis exiting and re-entering his hut). This is pretty gamebreaking.

Also, I crashed while trying to reset the response on Don's computer. I'd done it a few times before without it crashing though, it only crashed the final time.
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Post by somaen »

That shouldn't happen.

What OS, Graphics card and settings (Software Renderer or OpenGL)?

Does the same happen with both Software-rendering and OpenGL (you can change while running the game in the ingame-settings.)
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Post by Mutabor »


In last build of ResidualVM for Mac OS keys e, s, p, a, i is not work. All other keys (even q for quit) work fine.

I test it on Mac Os 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8. Always same problem with control keys.
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Post by Mutabor »

Previous(?) build is work very well on Mac Os 10.7.
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Post by Pugsy »

Hi everyone.

First: thank you so much for creating this!
I'm so happy that this gem of a game is saved for old and (hopefully) new fans. Also looking forward to the futher development.

Just had a walkthrough and found the following issues, most of them being graphical glitches. I am aware some of these have been posted above, I just add them for system variety reasons (see signature).

General problem: there's a slight crackle in voiceover, especially the beginnings seem to be chopped off. It's all comprehensible though, it's just a little annoying. The music plays just fine.

Year 1

-When Copal chews out Manny in the corridor ("Hey, funny bones...") copal suddenly disappears.

-LSA HQ: When asking Eva why Manny can't leave town and she replies "We need your teeth, remember?" she doesn't turn back to the radio but keeps staring in Manny's direction

-When parking in at the beaver dam gate, glottis is seated beside the bone wagon.

-Manny can't get past the bone Wagon in the key cave.


-The freight elevator's floor in the high roller's lounge is partly missing.

- When talking to Manny in the blue casket, Olivia is heavily twitching.

- Carla also shakes a lot when scanning Manny, plus parts of her dislocate.

- Climbing into Toto's tatto parlor doesn't look right, Manny is positioned too low. Works fine Year 4.

- (very minor one): When standing close to the morgue entrance, Manny flickers

Year 3

- Holding the Lil' Chipper in Manny's new "office" makes his shadow go white.

- Climbing the Crane ladder is somewhat problematic. Using the ladder is a workaround though.

Year 4

-When entering the casino Manny' legs are halfway in the floor.

-Putting the gun away during showdown doesn't work properly. It's still attached to Manny, but in the wrong place.

That's my two cents, hope I could help.
Keep it up, cheers!
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Bugs report

Post by Polemos »

ResidualVM 0.1.0-pre9d40599 (Jul 3) - Windows - BUGS

-In the petrified forest when you go to the "dancing" tree and you have Glottis spining on it if you run behind the car you get stuck in the area behind the car and you cannot exit it unless you load a previous saved game.

-If you speak to Olivia in the Blue Casket again (after you give the metal detector to Membrillo in the morgue and you have taken the suitcase with the gold tickets) you get stuck in front of Olivia and you are unable to move or open the inventory unless you load a previous game.

-In the edge of the world (Domino's island) if you go underwater in the transporting belt (I tried it after Glottis fell) and you move toward the edge you will find glottis before completing the crane subquest (which throws the chain for you to be able to find Glottis).

-If you visit Glottis below water working on ship and make Meche go to prison and then throw the chain in the underwater belt and you try to go below and visit Glottis again, you get black screen and you cannot exit it unless you load a previous saved game.

-If you hold the small hammer (Domino's island) while walking your shadow starts to flash white and black.

-In Hector's casino if you throw the sheet over Charlie and he takes it off while you are in your invetory the game plays the cinematic of Charlie taking of the sheet and then you are unable to exit your inventory or choose another item unless you load a previous saved game.

-If you are in the sewers under Hector's casino and you use the car suspension device to make Glottis car to extend upwards and then move below the car and make the car to fall down on you and then again you make it to extend upwards then you cannot leave the area below the car anymore (limited movement) unless you load a previous saved game.

-In the final shodown in the end outside the greenhouse, when you get the gun, the gun is floating beside the protagonist even if he is holding another item or no item at all.

(I can attach some Saved games of the BUGS if you like).
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