This initial stable release of ResidualVM now opens the world of Grim Fandango to a modern audience, whether you are using Windows, Linux or OS X, you'll now be able to take your 4 year journey of the soul, and find out if that compass in the handle actually WILL come in handy.
We would like to note that, while we have tested ResidualVM quite thoroughly, there MIGHT be cases where you end up in a situation where the game is incompletable, some of these were actually also existent in the original game (while the game itself is designed to be dead-end-free, the bugs in it weren't, nor were our own). So, please follow the old adventure-game mantra of "save early, save often".
Over the past few years a lot has happened, even though the code base didn't reach a mature state until the past year. Lots of bugs have been fixed, even quite a few bugs left in the original game have been resolved. The team would like to thank all those that have been involved with getting ResidualVM to this point for their efforts.
Finally, we would like to thank:
- The LUA developers, for creating a nice compact script interpreter.
Tim Schafer, for obvious reasons, and everybody else who helped make Grim Fandango a brilliant game; and the EMI team for giving it their best try.
Bret Mogilefsky, for managing to create a SPUTM-style 3D LUA engine, and avoiding the horrible hack it could have been.