Upscale 3D models to HD

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Upscale 3D models to HD

Post by OzzieMonkey »

Hi there,
I was wondering if there was a way to upscale the 3D models in Escape from Monkey Island using ResidualVM? I was thinking of a similar way dgVoodoo does it. I tried just copying the dgVoodoo files over to the ResidualVM folder, but apparently it doesn't used Direct3D or Glide.
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Re: Upscale 3D models to HD

Post by somaen »

ResidualVM doesn't use Direct3D, as that is unavailable outside of Windows, Glide is soon two decades old.

I'm not entirely sure what you were trying to achieve, and couldn't really figure out much from a quick google search for dgVoodoo either.
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Re: Upscale 3D models to HD

Post by Kasenshlogga »

I'm pretty sure DGvoodoo only changes the entire screen resolution, which results in the 3D models scaling to that resolution, like in every 3D game ever made.
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