How to extract Flight of the Amazon Queen Files

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How to extract Flight of the Amazon Queen Files

Post by CyberAxe »

I want to extract the data from the queen.1 so i can make modifications to the audio and midi files so i can make sure they are all levelled correctly as it's rather maddening playing the game with mt32 and scene to scene the midis are seeminly completely random in volume and even the voice is off between some scenes in terms of level such as on the intro (though it's possible the music was throwing me off there)

Does anyone know of a tool that will work with Amazon Queen? as the ScummVM-tools only allow you to recompress.

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Re: How to extract Flight of the Amazon Queen Files

Post by sev »

Nobody wrote such a tool, but it will be trivial to modify scummvm-tools' compress_queen for that. That utility recompresses audio in queen.1, so it obviously parses its structure and processes each component.

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