Sierra SCI games in OpenGL mode: floaty cursor

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Sierra SCI games in OpenGL mode: floaty cursor

Post by vanfanel »

Hi there,

I have been experimenting with OpenGL rendering + filters (tv2x, dotmatrix...),
and I have found out that some games, like Sierra's Space Quest series (SCI) seem to exhibit an strange cursor that seems to "float" over the image because filter is not applied to it so it appears "too defined" in contrast to the game.
That doesn't happen in Gabriel Knight 1, for example.

So, maybe cursor in Sierra games is using a different surface, or why is this happening?
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Re: Sierra SCI games in OpenGL mode: floaty cursor

Post by MusicallyInspired »

Gabriel Knight 1 is a Sierra SCI game though...

Unless ScummVM is rendering SCI0-SCI1.1 differently than SCI2+.
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Re: Sierra SCI games in OpenGL mode: floaty cursor

Post by eriktorbjorn »

I don't think that's specific to SCI or OpenGL. As far as I understand, in any game that doesn't explicitly draw its own cursor (I think there are some, but I don't know which ones off-hand) but rather rely on ScummVM's built-in cursor handling, the cursor is handled separately from the rest of the graphics. (I think part of the reason is that some games use different resolution and/or palette for the cursor than for the rest of the game.)

When scaling the cursor image, it will only use "non-blurring scalers", namely the "Normal" and "AdvMame" ones.
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Re: Sierra SCI games in OpenGL mode: floaty cursor

Post by vanfanel »

Ah, I see!
Well, in a certain way, it makes the cursor clearer for easier playing, so it's a feature and not a bug from a certain point of view :D

Thanks a lot for the explanation!
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