Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

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Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by dmark468 »

Using latest Win64 version (2.6), Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to app data from GUI.

Code: Select all

scummvm -p.\Roms\atlantis-fm atlantis-fm
Works fine with game added to app data. Fails every time when not.

Code: Select all

scummvm: Unrecognized game 'atlantis-fm'. Use the --list-targets and --list-games commands for a list of accepted values.
Usage: scummvm [OPTIONS]... [GAME]

Try 'scummvm --help' for more options.
So --list-targets wasn't helpful (only lists the one game in app data), but --list-games went on and on, thankfully listing this game first.

The "official" ID seems to be "atlantis":

Code: Select all

scumm:atlantis                 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Of course:

Code: Select all

scummvm -p.\Roms\atlantis-fm atlantis

Code: Select all

scummvm: Unrecognized game 'atlantis'. Use the --list-targets and --list-games commands for a list of accepted values.
Usage: scummvm [OPTIONS]... [GAME]

Try 'scummvm --help' for more options.
Have tried another 3 dozen titles, including the other Indiana Jones game and they all work fine without adding to app data. So is this a bug with this particular title? Also tried an alternate version that is ostensibly the non-FM (whatever that means) version called "atlantis", but same error messages. Sure seems like a bug.

Please advise... Thanks!
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by dmark468 »

The score so far:

Working: 60 random games
Not working: Atlantis(-fm)

Must be a bug; surely this is not the intended behavior for this one title?

Other than that, it seems to work very well. But I do wish it would stop making my secondary monitor flash five times each load, but that could be down to anything (perhaps video settings?)
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by Serious Callers Only »

I think a lot of games won't work or 'work' with bugs without a corresponding entry in the added games UI. If this is failing on the cmd line and not there it's probably because it's not connecting the game path to the current entry.
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by Praetorian »

dmark468 wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:02 am Working: 60 random games
Not working: Atlantis(-fm)

What are the data files in the path you're pointing ScummVM to? Do they match the pre-requisite files for FM-Towns version as listed here? ... f_Atlantis

Also your command prompt should include the "platform" switch as well. Not sure if other parameters need to be specified for an optimal experience.
So at the very least you'd need:

Code: Select all

./scummvm -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm --platform=towns atlantis
Edit: Some additional parameters that you could try (that I got from the scummvm help and testing with zak mcKraken that I got the FM-Towns version from GOG) to tweak the experience:

Code: Select all

./scummvm -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm --platform=towns --render-mode=fmtowns --music-driver=towns --no-filtering atlantis

Code: Select all

./scummvm -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm --platform=towns --render-mode=fmtowns --multi-midi --no-filtering atlantis
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by criezy »

dmark468 wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:06 pm So --list-targets wasn't helpful (only lists the one game in app data), but --list-games went on and on, thankfully listing this game first.

The "official" ID seems to be "atlantis":

Code: Select all

scumm:atlantis                 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
You have got the answer right there. The official ID is not "atlantis", it is "scumm:atlantis".
In many cases skipping the engine name works, but in the case of atlantis, there is a game with the same ID in another engine. So only using "atlantis" is ambiguous and you need to use the full ID.

Note that there are other useful command:
  • To game the ID of the game in a specific folder: scummvm --detect -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm
  • To start a game in a specific folder when you don't know the ID: scummvm --auto-detect -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by dmark468 »

Thanks for the answers!

This works:

Code: Select all

scummvm -f -p..\scummvm\Roms\atlantis scumm:atlantis does this:

Code: Select all

scummvm -f -p..\scummvm\Roms\atlantis-fm scumm:atlantis
...though not entirely sure what it means (there is a mismatch between ID and the files in atlantis-fm).

But this fails like before:

Code: Select all

scummvm -f -p..\scummvm\Roms\atlantis-fm scumm:atlantis-fm I expect there is no game ID called "atlantis-fm".
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by dmark468 »

criezy wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:33 pm
dmark468 wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:06 pm So --list-targets wasn't helpful (only lists the one game in app data), but --list-games went on and on, thankfully listing this game first.

The "official" ID seems to be "atlantis":

Code: Select all

scumm:atlantis                 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
You have got the answer right there. The official ID is not "atlantis", it is "scumm:atlantis".
Aha! I thought I tried that, but apparently didn't do it right (see my previous reply from a moment ago).
In many cases skipping the engine name works, but in the case of atlantis, there is a game with the same ID in another engine. So only using "atlantis" is ambiguous and you need to use the full ID.

Note that there are other useful command:
  • To game the ID of the game in a specific folder: scummvm --detect -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm
  • To start a game in a specific folder when you don't know the ID: scummvm --auto-detect -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm
That makes sense. It's odd that I had to deal with some other games that have an "FM" version and didn't have the issue. But then, I really don't know what I'm doing with this stuff.

I had used the --detect switch before, but both "atlantis" and "atlantis-fm" showed the same ID. However, the --auto-detect example works a treat. Thanks!
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by dmark468 »

Praetorian wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:57 am
dmark468 wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:02 am Working: 60 random games
Not working: Atlantis(-fm)

What are the data files in the path you're pointing ScummVM to? Do they match the pre-requisite files for FM-Towns version as listed here? ... f_Atlantis

Also your command prompt should include the "platform" switch as well. Not sure if other parameters need to be specified for an optimal experience.
So at the very least you'd need:

Code: Select all

./scummvm -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm --platform=towns atlantis
Edit: Some additional parameters that you could try (that I got from the scummvm help and testing with zak mcKraken that I got the FM-Towns version from GOG) to tweak the experience:

Code: Select all

./scummvm -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm --platform=towns --render-mode=fmtowns --music-driver=towns --no-filtering atlantis

Code: Select all

./scummvm -p .\Roms\atlantis-fm --platform=towns --render-mode=fmtowns --multi-midi --no-filtering atlantis
Thanks much. I ended up using --auto-detect, as another poster suggested. It appears to pick the correct platform automatically:

Code: Select all

GameID                         Description                                                Full Path
------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
scumm:atlantis                 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (FM-TOWNS/English)  ..\scummvm\Roms\atlantis-fm\
User picked target 'atlantis' (engine ID 'scumm', game ID 'atlantis')...
   Looking for a plugin supporting this target... SCUMM [all games]
Not sure what difference the other "towns" switches make, but probably not going to get that deep into these games (just want each to run without error) Thanks anyway!
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by dmark468 »

Not sure what the relationship is between this EXE and the Libretro DLL, but thought I'd mention the command line behavior in RetroArch as well.

After reading various confused posts (often mentioning using the UI to add games) about this from years ago, I started by creating fake "Roms" called [ID].scummvm in each folder. That turned out to be unnecessary. Maybe it is an outdated method?

Anyway, this failed to load anything, whether the monkey2.scummvm file existed or not:

Code: Select all

retroarch --verbose -L ./cores/scummvm_libretro.dll ./Roms/monkey2/monkey2.scummvm
But this accident (missing trailing m) loaded the game:

Code: Select all

retroarch --verbose -L ./cores/scummvm_libretro.dll ./Roms/monkey2/monkey2.scummv
Really couldn't believe it, but there was still a problem in that it loaded the wrong cfg file. So I kept going with the "typos" until I had:

Code: Select all

retroarch --verbose -L ./cores/scummvm_libretro.dll ./Roms/monkey2/monkey2.
And, against all logic, that worked, loading the game and using the correct cfg for it. Take the trailing period off and it failed to load in yet another way.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Sure seems like a bug (or multiple bugs). I like the RetroArch version better, which may be blasphemy here, but it uses Esc to exit and doesn't flash my secondary monitor five times on each load (I assume that was due to switching resolutions or something like that). Plus, I use RetroArch for lots of emulators, so it fits right into my setup; even found bezels for the empty spaces on the screen. :)
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by Schmurtz »

Hi, I had the same problem with

The scummVM dev team recommand to use the arg "--auto-detect" command line : it avoid to search for the shortname of the game to create the command line.

This is how the command line is generated in the libretro core : ... o.cpp#L306

So if a .scummvm file exists then it run this command line :

Code: Select all

 -p gamedir shortname
and without .scummvm file it runs :

Code: Select all

-p gamedir --auto-detect
So when you run your scummvm core with a file which not exist like ./Roms/monkey2/monkey2. in reality it runs scummVM with "--auto-detect" arg and the folder as parameter.

So you would say : "we should avoid to use .scummVM to use always the "--auto-detect" thing." ... yes but after some tests it works perfectly on standalone but with the core sometime it fails on some games (I have to create an issue on the core repo for that).

Example :
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (this one has doublons) :
- works fine without .scummvm file
- doesn't work with .scummvm file with inside atlantis (due to the doublon, scummVM doesn't know which engine to choose, devs plan to change "Unrecognized game XXX" to "Unrecognized or ambiguous game XXX" but it still visible only in logs concerning RA libretro core)
- works fine with .scummvm file with inside : scumm:atlantis

Eye of the Beholder (no doublons) :
- doesn't work without .scummvm file (works fine on windows standalone so it should work, I have to create a core issue for this one : ERROR : failed to open EXE 'intro.EXE' !)
- works fine with .scummvm file with eob
- works fine with .scummvm file with kyra:eob

So to conclude : if we recommend to users to always create a .scummvm file with the long name (engine:shortname) then they will have the best compatibility.

The problem is that the engine is not indicated in the compatbility chart so it requires to run --list-games but when you use libretro core it's not very handy :P

I think that add the scummvm engine in the compatbility chart would be useful, not only for libretro because it would allow to create a command line with the right and and also to understand why a certain category of games are not working.
For example if you get a scummvm compilation with a missing engine it is easy to understand what happens with the engine information in the chart.
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Re: Atlantis does not run from command line without adding to UI

Post by sev »

RetroArch broke and disabled our detection code. So, please move on.

Moderatorial: Locking the topic.
