Raziel wrote: ↑Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:36 pm
There is no mentioning of The Dig in your log...
Could you post one after starting the game?
You can ESC skip through the intro until the spaceship comes up, soon after there will be voice acting
Oh and make double sure there is a file called "DIGVOICE.BUN" in your game path
Hello and thank you very much for the support !!!
1. DIGVOICE.BUN is present like on my other computer where it works
2. I found an error "File::open: opening 'lokalizator.big' failed"
Code: Select all
$ scummvm -d 10
Debuglevel (from command line): 10
Using SDL Video Driver "x11"
OpenGL: GL context initialized
OpenGL version: 2.1 Mesa 22.3.6
OpenGL vendor: Mesa Project
OpenGL renderer: i915 (chipset: 945GM)
OpenGL: version 2.1
OpenGL: GLSL version string: 1.20
OpenGL: GLSL version: 120
OpenGL: Max texture size: 2048
OpenGL: NPOT texture support: 1
OpenGL: Shader support: 1
OpenGL: Shader support for engines: 1
OpenGL: Multitexture support: 1
OpenGL: FBO support: 1
OpenGL: Multisample FBO support: 0
OpenGL: Multisample max number: -1
OpenGL: Packed pixels support: 1
OpenGL: Packed depth stencil support: 1
OpenGL: Unpack subimage support: 1
OpenGL: OpenGL ES depth 24 support: 0
OpenGL: Texture edge clamping support: 1
OpenGL: Texture border clamping support: 1
OpenGL: Texture mirror repeat support: 1
Invalid joystick: 0
Using SDL Audio Driver "pulseaudio"
Output sample rate: 44100 Hz
Output buffer size: 1024 samples
Output channels: 2
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_START' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_Y-' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_Y+' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_X-' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_X+' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_RIGHT_SHOULDER' not known
Setting 640 x 400 -> 640 x 400 -- 1
Opening hashed: gui-icons.dat
generateZipSet: Loaded pack file: gui-icons.dat
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Loading theme scummremastered.zip
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Opening hashed: FreeSansBold.ttf
Opening hashed: FreeSans.ttf
Opening hashed: FreeSans.ttf
Opening hashed: SourceCodeVariable-Roman.ttf
Adding Gui Object 0x7304790 to trash
Adding Gui Object 0x7298970 to trash
Adding Gui Object 0x72e95e0 to trash
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_A' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_Y' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_UP' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_DOWN' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_RIGHT' not known
Setting 640 x 400 -> 640 x 400 -- 1
Loading theme scummremastered.zip
Opening hashed: THEMERC
Adding Gui Object 0x72d4790 to trash
Adding Gui Object 0x7305ed0 to trash
Adding Gui Object 0x735a990 to trash
Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x7304790
Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x7298970
Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x72e95e0
Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x72d4790
Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x7305ed0
Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x735a990
User picked target 'dig-de' (engine ID 'scumm', game ID 'dig')...
Looking for a plugin supporting this target... SCUMM [all games]
MetaEngine: SCUMM [all games] matched to Engine: (null)
Using gameid dig, variant , extra
SCUMM version 7, HE version 0
Using MD5 'd8323015ecb8b10bf53474f6e6b0ae33'
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_A' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_B' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_SHOULDER' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_Y' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_X' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_UP' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_DOWN' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_RIGHT' not known
File::open: opening 'lokalizator.big' failed
Opening hashed: language.bnd
Opening hashed: digvoice.bun
Opening hashed: digvoice.bun
Opening hashed: digmusic.bun
Opening hashed: digmusic.bun
IMuseDigital::diMUSESetMusicGroupVol(): 127
IMuseDigital::diMUSESetVoiceGroupVol(): 127
IMuseDigital::diMUSESetSFXGroupVol(): 127
Opening hashed: dig.la0
Reading index block of type 'RNAM', size 1119
Room 1: 'logo'
Room 2: 'cockpit'
Room 3: 'klein'
Room 4: 'ast1'
Room 5: 'ast2'
Room 6: 'ast3'
Room 7: 'ast4'
Room 8: 'ast5'
Room 9: 'core'
Room 10: 'tun1'
Room 11: 'mapbase'
Room 12: 'coreped'
Room 13: 'emboss1'
Room 14: 'squares'
Room 15: 'canyon'
Room 16: 'inside'
Room 17: 'pig'
Room 18: 'derelict'
Room 19: 'wreck'
Room 20: 'grave'
Room 21: 'botramp'
Room 22: 'beach'
Room 23: 'nexus'
Room 24: 'view'
Room 25: 'airlock'
Room 26: 'cntlroom'
Room 27: 'powerrm'
Room 28: 'shardcu'
Room 29: 'trmmuf'
Room 30: 'connect'
Room 31: 'mudoor'
Room 32: 'pool'
Room 33: 'skeleton'
Room 34: 'museum'
Room 35: 'mubridge'
Room 36: 'bonepuzz'
Room 37: 'trmmapf'
Room 38: 'ledge'
Room 39: 'batdoor'
Room 41: 'falls'
Room 42: 'pit'
Room 43: 'fallsour'
Room 44: 'nest'
Room 48: 'mapdome'
Room 49: 'mapdoor'
Room 51: 'mapbridg'
Room 53: 'trmtombf'
Room 54: 'tombbase'
Room 55: 'plateau'
Room 56: 'sparkle'
Room 57: 'backdoor'
Room 58: 'tomb'
Room 59: 'tombbridg'
Room 60: 'trmplanf'
Room 61: 'planclear'
Room 62: 'waves'
Room 63: 'cave'
Room 64: 'crevice'
Room 65: 'dome'
Room 67: 'sky'
Room 68: 'plandoor'
Room 69: 'planbridg'
Room 70: 'trmcathf'
Room 73: 'lab'
Room 75: 'cliff'
Room 76: 'cathbrid'
Room 77: 'worldmap'
Room 78: 'theeye'
Room 79: 'newton'
Room 82: 'lockup'
Room 85: 'planmach'
Room 86: 'blanker'
Room 89: 'sarcoph'
Room 90: 'cathplat'
Room 91: 'eyehub'
Room 88: 'tombot'
Room 92: 'library'
Room 93: 'icons'
Room 95: 'trmmun'
Room 80: 'trmmapn'
Room 81: 'trmcathn'
Room 83: 'trmtombn'
Room 94: 'trmplann'
Room 40: 'mapcntl'
Room 96: 'mulock'
Room 97: 'maplock'
Room 98: 'planlock'
Room 99: 'tomblock'
Room 100: 'cntlrmcu'
Room 101: 'wavesbot'
Room 103: 'lander'
Room 104: 'landercu'
Room 105: 'backint'
Room 106: 'title'
Room 107: 'powercu'
Room 108: 'lockupcu'
Room 47: 'emboss2'
Room 50: 'cuengrav'
Room 52: 'edge'
Room 71: 'bonehint'
Room 72: 'emboss3'
Room 46: 'cusarc'
Room 74: 'labpanel'
Room 84: 'turtcu'
Room 66: 'emboss4'
Room 102: 'cuspark'
Room 109: 'labcu'
Room 110: 'credits'
Room 45: 'labcu1'
Room 87: 'labcu2'
Room 111: 'labcu3'
Reading index block of type 'MAXS', size 138
Reading index block of type 'DROO', size 570
readResTypeList(Room): 112 entries
Reading index block of type 'DSCR', size 1540
readResTypeList(Script): 306 entries
Reading index block of type 'DSOU', size 1810
readResTypeList(Sound): 360 entries
Reading index block of type 'DCOS', size 1670
readResTypeList(Costume): 332 entries
Reading index block of type 'DCHR', size 35
readResTypeList(Charset): 5 entries
Reading index block of type 'DOBJ', size 5914
Reading index block of type 'AARY', size 258
writeVar(200, 0)
writeVar(200, 1)
writeVar(201, 0)
writeVar(201, 2)
writeVar(228, 0)
writeVar(228, 3)
writeVar(229, 0)
writeVar(229, 4)
writeVar(244, 0)
writeVar(244, 5)
Later with the first dialogue:
Code: Select all
TextRenderer_v7::drawStringWrap(str: 'Robbins. Bitte kommen, Robbins.', x: 200, y: 1, col: 9, clipRect: (82, 0, 318, 200), flags: 0x05)
getResourceAddress(Script,50) == 0x70318e0
Script 50, offset 0x2bc: [73] o6_jump()
Script 50, offset 0x13e: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x141: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x144: [AA] o6_getActorScaleX()
Script 50, offset 0x145: [16] o6_mul()
Script 50, offset 0x146: [43] o6_writeWordVar()
writeVar(16388, 15300)
Script 50, offset 0x149: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x14c: [1] o6_pushWord()
Script 50, offset 0x14f: [17] o6_div()
Script 50, offset 0x150: [43] o6_writeWordVar()
writeVar(16388, 60)
Script 50, offset 0x153: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x156: [43] o6_writeWordVar()
writeVar(440, 60)
Script 50, offset 0x159: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x15c: [C] o6_dup()
Script 50, offset 0x15d: [1] o6_pushWord()
Script 50, offset 0x160: [E] o6_eq()
Script 50, offset 0x161: [5D] o6_ifNot()
Script 50, offset 0x164: [1A] o6_pop()
Script 50, offset 0x165: [73] o6_jump()
Script 50, offset 0x173: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x176: [1] o6_pushWord()
Script 50, offset 0x179: [D2] o6_getAnimateVariable()
Script 50, offset 0x17a: [43] o6_writeWordVar()
writeVar(16385, 0)
Script 50, offset 0x17d: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x180: [5D] o6_ifNot()
Script 50, offset 0x2a8: [1] o6_pushWord()
Script 50, offset 0x2ab: [43] o6_writeWordVar()
writeVar(16385, 0)
Script 50, offset 0x2ae: [3] o6_pushWordVar()
Script 50, offset 0x2b1: [9D] o6_actorOps()
Script 50, offset 0x2b3: [1] o6_pushWord()
Script 50, offset 0x2b6: [1] o6_pushWord()
Script 50, offset 0x2b9: [9D] o6_actorOps()
Script 50, offset 0x2bb: [6C] o6_breakHere()
to many characters to show the full Terminal output from the Start of ScummVM to the point with the first interacting dialogue
![Sad :-(](./images/smilies/icon_sad.gif)