Are you sure you had the correct palette loaded when you exported it? I mean after you clicked the "Combine" button, you might have loaded a different palette and exported that one.
Not sure what's going on there since I've never encountered this before.
You can even just load a palette, e.g. glottis.cmp, and press "Save Palette as *.ACT".
therainydaze wrote:...and I copied the exact color shades from the original so I doubt there any reason to disagree with the pallet.
How did you do this exactly? Or did you mean when painting?
Also, color positions are important in the palette, which means they have to be in the exact order. (which is why we don't modify palettes, since multiple textures use the same one)
Also when in photoshop, make sure you LOAD the correct palette, since after converting it will either use the system pallete or the previous palette you've used.
EDIT: OK, I can see you've used the correct palette, not sure why you're getting this. To me it looks as if the colors have been reversed (e.g. color 1 has become color 256, color 2 has become 255 and so on...). And I was wrong about the saving thing, seems you must combine first, I wonder why I made it like that.