It wasn't just one thing, there were two rare complicating situations with the files, which made it a litte difficult to find, but everything is now fixed!Vag wrote:I haven't released the programs yet because Azura (the .CUT editor) has a bug and because of lack of time, I didn't even touch it.
I have used Azura with all the CUT files of the FOTAQ demo and except one message in one file (which works only if you don't select "hide control characters"), everything is fine. I think it has passed the test, even though I'll try to find what's wrong with that specific message.
Everything works, only I'm thinking about enhancing Lola.
Lola now shows the messages as they are inside the DOG files. This means the Joe King messages and then all the other person's messages (there are 3 more at the end, which are generic greeting messages and a CUT filename).
As I was translating some DOG files, I realized that when you are translating a message, you need to know what the other person had said before that and how you translated that! So I had to go to previous messages to see, back and forth.
I'm thinking of adding a second slider, which, when used, will show the messages in a different order (read from an external text file). This order will be more logical and very very helpful.
The user will decide how to sort the messages manually, but that will have to be done only once.
I will upload the two editors in a few days time