Access Software's Countdown

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Post by Longcat »

heh. but you are not just talking about huge companies here. something like that would include anyone.
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Post by Seldon »

Jonatan wrote:heh. but you are not just talking about huge companies here. something like that would include anyone.
I don't think anyone but big companies would be much harmed. Besides, such changes could affect only "frozen" assets, that are not actively used.
Anyway, if it's the M$ that keeps hands on Countdown, then we can forget any support from them.
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Post by SuperDre »

Seldon wrote:Anyway, I think that present model of intelectual property managment is bad for the industry, or at least for consumers. I think that 70-year copyright period is plain ridiculous. And I hope, that under consumers pressure, such greedy behavior will be eliminated from companies politics.
Greedy behavior? as I said earlier, that's easy to say when it's not your IP.. I don't see why it is bad for the industry, and also why some consumers always think they have any right to it when it's not theirs.. It's also those laws that keep businesses afloat, without those laws any other company can make money on your idea (and that would be plain ridiculous).. it's got nothing to do with greedy behavior, it's got everything to do with earning money to keep your company running another year..
These days 'consumers' think they have a right to anything for free, but ofcourse they don't..

Just think up your own IP, or try to make a deal with the company who owns the IP..
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Post by Seldon »

SuperDre wrote: Greedy behavior? as I said earlier, that's easy to say when it's not your IP.. I don't see why it is bad for the industry, and also why some consumers always think they have any right to it when it's not theirs.. It's also those laws that keep businesses afloat, without those laws any other company can make money on your idea (and that would be plain ridiculous).. it's got nothing to do with greedy behavior, it's got everything to do with earning money to keep your company running another year..
These days 'consumers' think they have a right to anything for free, but ofcourse they don't..

Just think up your own IP, or try to make a deal with the company who owns the IP..
I'm not trying to convince you. Let's end this discussion with unquestionable conclusion, that support for Countdown in ScummVM is possible (in current LEGAL circumstances) only if someone will invest (much of) his time into complete RE'ing of the game.
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Post by SuperDre »

Well, I PM'ed the developer who is doing a game together with Chris Jones via the unofficial texmurphy forum (as I don't know if Chris jones is an actual member of it or what his membername is).. So I hope I'll get some answer.. when I do I'll report back.. hehe..
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Post by Strangerke »

Good thing you found this way,... Because I tried unsuccessfully to contact Chris Jones (and Aaron Conners). I hope you'll have some good news to tell us soon :)
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Post by SuperDre »

Strangerke wrote:Good thing you found this way,... Because I tried unsuccessfully to contact Chris Jones (and Aaron Conners). I hope you'll have some good news to tell us soon :)
hmmm.. it was actually Aaron Conners who I pm'ed via the unofficial texmurphy forums (as he visits the site regularly). still haven't heard of him..
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Post by Les »

Hi, anything new regarding this game? :D
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