MikeDrago wrote: ↑Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:00 am
Howdy. Bringing up this thread because I want to play Jones

I have the CD version. But when playing there is no speech.
I have tried using Scummvm playing the CD for dos and CD for windows and the "dosbox installer" program mentioned in this thread. I hear the music and can play the game...but without texting and lack of speech and dont know if I get the jobs or not. With the "dosbox installer" I get unable to start audio error message.
Any ideas?
This is a late reply, but I've just gotten Jones working and I might have the solution.
One of the biggest complaints I have about ScummVM is that it isn't user-friendly... at all.
Lots of options with vague descriptors like "Use CD Audio", and absolutely nothing to explain what they actually do.
In this case, I saw the option for "Use CD Audio" and thought to myself, hmm... Most Sierra games of that era came in two versions, a floppy version and a CD version, and the CD version was usually the version that had digitized speech... So let me just check this box for "Use CD Audio", that should get me the speech, right?
I think what this checkbox is *actually* doing is telling ScummVM to look for the disc that's in your physical CD drive and pull the audio from that. So, if you have that option checked, it will *bypass* the digitized speech files in your game directory on C:\ and try to pull from a nonexistent Jones in the Fast Lane original copy.
This is an extremely unforgiving beginner's trap, but it's there.
The solution is to edit your ScummVM settings for Jones in the Fast Lane, click the Engine tab, and uncheck "Use CD Audio". After that, digitized speech should hopefully work... At least, it did for me.