I think you all understood wrong what feeblefiles meant to say.
He just said that his impression of glidems work is not a prefessional one. IMO this is not meant offensive. Its just his impression about glidems work. Noone has to share this impression.
And I dont think that "not professional" means "amateur" in this case. It just means that it cannot match feeblefiles imagination of a good quality. Noone has to have the same imagintion of "professional quality" like him.
I hope my english was good enough to express what I mean
Ich glaube Ihr alle habt feeblefiles falsch verstanden.
Er hat nur gesagt das sein Eindruck von glidems Arbeit kein professionelle ist. Meiner Meinung nach ist das nicht beleidigend gemeint. Nicht professionel soll hier nicht "Amateur" bedeuten, sondern ganz einfach das glidems Arbeit nicht feeblefgiles Anspruch an eine gute prefossionelle Qualität genügt.