Thanks, kirben, this really looks great!
I hope you're also happy with my suggestions.
I still have some little suggestions to make, I know I'm picky....
For monkey vga amiga german, the sorting is not consistent...
Would it be possible to add somithing like vga or cd for monkey mac also?
Is it possible to make loom talkie/cd consistent? Either just call it CD or call it and others CD Talkie.
Also, pushing up the last s&m demo to the top would be consistent with other demo's sorting....
Demo (non-interactive) DOS en d9d0dd93d16ab4dec55cabc2b86bbd17 samnmax
Demo (WIP) DOS en 0e4c5d54a0ad4b26132e78b5ea76642a samnmax
Demo DOS en c3196c5349e53e387aaff1533d95e53a samnmax
Last suggestion: Remove "Alt" when it doesn't actually mean anything...
Who or what decides, what's "Alt"
Edit: You may disregard the last suggestion if you like...
Also, maybe stating Floppy for the Loom demo is not necessary. It isn't necessary at least for other demos who have full floppy/cd versions...
I have to thank you again, kirben.
The new list looks great!
Best regards