monkey island special edition

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Post by Longcat »

the conversation gaps can be avoided by increasing subtitle speed in the original mode.
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Post by tour86rocker »

I am very pleased with how this remake turned out! I love the art. I much prefer the colored-text dialog to the spoken dialog. I think more highly of my own comedic timing, obviously.

Do you want to know what my favorite scene in the remake was? The buried treasure of Melee island. The transition from the forest music to the silent clearing in the forest is what put me in my desired state of nostalgia the most solidly, I loved it!

I would probably pay ANY amount of money for a Maniac Mansion remake of this caliber. MM was my first love as a gamer. I loved the suspense of creeping through that deathly quiet old house! I think the woman I marry someday might even have to like it. :wink: The enhanced edition is one of my favorite memories.

I would accept a DOTT remake if the computer in Ed's room played an HD remake of MM. :wink: DOTT, while a great stand-alone game, was something of a disappointment for me as a very young gamer; it captured none of the feel of MM.
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Post by antiKk »

I agree 100% tour86rocker!
Maniac Mansion remdae like this would be outstanding.
I would also love to see Zak remade too..
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Post by pncFreak »

tour86rocker wrote:I would accept a DOTT remake...
Well I struggle to see what a remake of DOTT would achieve. The cartoonish style of the original graphics is why some of us love the game, and it already has speech :)
Last edited by pncFreak on Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nikioko »

The remake i would appreciate most is Fate of Atlantis.
rented mule
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Post by rented mule »

el seth wrote:The voicework is uniformly excellent.

I understand if you don't like the direction they went with MI3, but let's not cast dispersions on Dom's ability to "get it right" because this version doesn't sound exactly like what was going through your head almost two decades ago.
Is this supposed to excuse Dom Armato's bad voice-acting? Lemme guess, Mark Hamill is an excellent actor in Star Wars? Right?
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Post by MusicallyInspired »

Did you just use "Dom Armato" and "bad voice acting" in the same sentence?
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Post by Mud »

rented mule wrote:Lemme guess, Mark Hamill is an excellent actor in Star Wars? Right?
Yes. Your point is?
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Post by SithlordDK »

Uh, look at those fine graphics...


I don't remember having this in the old version ^^.
el seth
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Post by el seth »

rented mule wrote:
el seth wrote:The voicework is uniformly excellent.

I understand if you don't like the direction they went with MI3, but let's not cast dispersions on Dom's ability to "get it right" because this version doesn't sound exactly like what was going through your head almost two decades ago.
Is this supposed to excuse Dom Armato's bad voice-acting? Lemme guess, Mark Hamill is an excellent actor in Star Wars? Right?
Reading your posts is kind of like peering into another dimension. Where I'm guessing everyone has goatees. Even the ladies.
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Post by rented mule »

Mud wrote:
rented mule wrote:Lemme guess, Mark Hamill is an excellent actor in Star Wars? Right?
Yes. Your point is?
I think it's sufficiently clear at this point.

It's also clear that Dom was just given the lines without the context and told to read them. How else can he Guybrush not sound shy when speaking to Elaine for the first time.

Has Dom even played The Secret of Monkey Island? I'm sure one of you can come up with a link to an interview where he says TSoMI is Dom's favorite game.

I think the problem is that I can give many examples where Dominic fails miserably at delivering the right experience and you guys can't come up with a single one where he does it right.
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Post by ezekiel000 »

Well I haven't heard the new voice overs but from the way your posts go up to now if someone comes up with a dozen lines that he got right then you'll tell them they are wrong.
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Post by Longcat »

I saw an interview with the sound guy, and the were actually talking about how great it was having Dom do all the lines since he already knew the game like the back of his hand and didn't even have to reherse them that much. They called him the ultimate fanboy.

Face it, your idea of what guybrush should sound like in SOMI is totally different from other peoples. If you don't like it, then well, tough.
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Post by Charlii »

From what I've seen and heard on YouTube and such, I can agree that the voices doesn't sound that spectacular, but I would say that it's more the mixing and timing of the lines rather than Dom's acting that gives me that feeling. This was a very low-budget project, that much is clear.

However, claiming that Dom is a bad actor or the wrong voice for Guybrush (especially in Curse) is just... no, I don't think you'll find a lot of people agreeing with you.
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Post by Longcat »

What horrified me more was actually the graphics. I know it's not aimed at me as an old school fan, but it felt like I was playing a game with totally different ambiance and characters. They made them look cheap. The audio was actually one of the positive things in there for me.
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