Playing Monkey Island SE on ScummVM!

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Re: Playing Monkey Island SE on ScummVM!

Post by j »

To responde more on the technical side:
billwashere wrote:2) Audio is in XWB (Xbox Wave Bank) files. These are a closed source format and there are no open source codecs so there will be no sound. A way around this would to re-encode them and upload them as ogg/flac/what ever files. This could cause legal actions
It wouldn't be a big problem to write a tool that calls xWMAEncode to prepare the audio files. Only restriction is obviously the need of a Windows runtime environment (i.e. native or via wine). There is no need to distribute the re-encoded audio files.
billwashere wrote:3) As mention by bobdevis. The pixel shader effects.
The use of pixel shaders is really rare. Most effects could easily be reimplemented using the CPU. The game itself would most certainly still be playable without any special shaders.
billwashere wrote:4) Different file types ... did=199164
This is the only concern. I started some investigations on the "xml" files. It's really not that complicated:

Most other pieces can be found in the other thread.

I guess the only problem might be some hard coded stuff in the new engine.

The other things like using the new costumes/rooms do not sound *that* hard to implement into ScummVM. Of course someone would need to do it.

It should also be made clear, if there are any objections to add support for it to ScummVM in general.
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Re: Playing Monkey Island SE on ScummVM!

Post by tburke »

billwashere wrote:Can anyone figure out the track list. I do not own the cd version so i can not verify the track list without playing monkey island on ScummVM, then on Monkey Island SE

From the looks of it, you just need to decrement the track number by one (to adjust for the data track).

I just finished ripping the Special Edition soundtrack to play in ScummVM, and that was the basic approach. Only two exceptions: tracks 18b and 18c had to be stitched together, and the ambient tracks (beach, night, and jungle) had to be taken from Ambience.xwb. Two tracks were still missing when I was done (10 and 20), but apparently those aren't used in the game? Track 20 - "Cue 2" - was even mentioned in an interview (towards the end); track 10 - a medium-lengthed "LeChuck's Theme" - I only found reference to in a forum post, but it seems likely enough given that it wasn't included.

I didn't bother to extract MusicOriginal.xwb, but I did at least list the files, and I seem to remember it looked like the same decrementing-tracks procedure would work, with the added bonus of already having the ambient tracks and the two apparently unsused tracks (ie, there was no track 1, and the tracks go up to 25). I could be mistaken, though.
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Re: Playing Monkey Island SE on ScummVM!

Post by marzipan »

billwashere wrote:EDIT: (WINDOWS ONLY )There is a bat file that will automatically extract and convert the files for you if you have the programs in the folder. ... essing.cmd
Looks as if the server carrying this is kaput.
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Post by billwashere »

marzipan wrote:Looks as if the server carrying this is kaput.
Here is the contents of that bat file.

Code: Select all

:: Batch file made by:
::  Jeroen_JRP - 2009

@echo off

if NOT EXIST unxwb.exe goto MissingUnxwb
if NOT EXIST xWMAEncode.exe goto MissingEncode

if NOT EXIST *.xwb goto NoXWB

echo :::::::PLEASE WAIT - CONVERTING TO .WAV:::::::

for /r . %%i IN (*.xwb) do (	echo Processing %%~ni...
				cd %%~ni\Original
				for /r . %%i IN (*.xwm) do ..\..\xWMAEncode %%i ..\Converted_WAV\%%~ni.wav
echo :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
echo :::::::::::::::: DONE! ::::::::::::::::
echo :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

echo --------------------------------------------------
echo --  unxwb.exe is not found in this directory.   --
echo -- This file is needed to extract the xwb files --
echo --------------------------------------------------

echo ----------------------------------------------------
echo -- xWMAEncode.exe is not found in this directory. --
echo --  This file is needed to convert the xwm files  --
echo ----------------------------------------------------

echo -----------------------------------------------------------
echo -- There are no .xwb files to extract in this directory. --
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
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Post by WNivek »

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the structure of the FOR statements in that code looks a bit off... To my eye, it seems to either echo that it's processing all the files before it even starts on the first, or it redundantly converts each file multiple times based on the number of files in the directory.
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Post by marzipan »

@billwashere: Thanks for that, though as it turns out the batch can be located here now: ... essing.cmd
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Post by marzipan »

Oh, thought I'd mention also that FFmpeg is capable of decoding the .caf audio files from the iPhone version now. And it helped me work out the format of these particular tracks as well:

QuickTime IMA ADPCM, 44100Hz, mono, 187kb/s, wrapped in Core Audio Format container.

(If anyone's interested.)
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Post by ILikeThoseOldGames »

marzipan wrote:Oh, thought I'd mention also that FFmpeg is capable of decoding the .caf audio files from the iPhone version now. And it helped me work out the format of these particular tracks as well:

QuickTime IMA ADPCM, 44100Hz, mono, 187kb/s, wrapped in Core Audio Format container.
How did you tell FFmpeg to do this? I tried
ffmpeg -i <audio_file>.caf <audio_file>.wav
(where <audio_file> stands for an audio file of the game, e.g. classictrack2.caf) and I get the following error message:
<audio_file>.caf: Unknown format.
I am using FFmpeg 0.5.1 on a Ubuntu Linux. I already tried to convert the caf files with sox (Error message: Supported file format but unsupported encoding) or that switch programm (which also can't open the files).

I would like to convert the caf files from the iPhone version (I don't have the PC version from Steam and don't plan to buy it because I already bought the iPhone version) and try to use the patch from to get a talkie version of Monkey Island for ScummVM.
Last edited by ILikeThoseOldGames on Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by clone2727 »

ILikeThoseOldGames wrote:I am using FFmpeg 0.5.1 on a Ubuntu Linux. I already tried to convert the caf files with sox (Error message: Supported file format but unsupported encoding) or that switch programm (which also can't open the files).
Considering the changelog says the Core Audio format wasn't added until 0.6.0, you probably can't convert it with 0.5.1.
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Post by ILikeThoseOldGames »

clone2727 wrote:Considering the changelog says the Core Audio format wasn't added until 0.6.0, you probably can't convert it with 0.5.1.
Thanks! I installed version 0.6.4. and now it works :).
(it was really a good idea to check the version and compare it with the changelog - it could have been my idea ;)...)
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Re: Playing Monkey Island SE on ScummVM!

Post by surdules »

tburke wrote:
billwashere wrote:Can anyone figure out the track list. I do not own the cd version so i can not verify the track list without playing monkey island on ScummVM, then on Monkey Island SE
I didn't bother to extract MusicOriginal.xwb, but I did at least list the files, and I seem to remember it looked like the same decrementing-tracks procedure would work, with the added bonus of already having the ambient tracks and the two apparently unsused tracks (ie, there was no track 1, and the tracks go up to 25). I could be mistaken, though.
Confirming that, for MusicOriginal.xwb, all you need to do is decrement the track numbers by one, and everything works well.

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Post by XDelusion »

So, do I rename:

track7 to track6
track18 to track17
track23 to track22

and vice versa?

Also should I do this renaming after I have renamed 2 to 1 and so on and so forth down through the list?

Lastly, I presume this will not retain the talkie element of the Special Edition?
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Post by Graxer »

XDelusion wrote:So, do I rename:

track7 to track6
track18 to track17
track23 to track22

and vice versa?

Also should I do this renaming after I have renamed 2 to 1 and so on and so forth down through the list?

Lastly, I presume this will not retain the talkie element of the Special Edition?
If you want everything automatically done for you and to retain the talkie element I suggest you take a look at this thread:

Although, this will only work if you are using Windows.

It will also allow you to use the new music if you wish!
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Post by XDelusion »

Thank you!

Looks like the alterations for this to fully work have not been added into the official source tree yet, which is bad news for us MorphOS users, unless I could talk the guy who keeps the MorphOS version up to date into tweaking his code.
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The xWMAEncode link doesn't work.

Post by beautyinthorns »

Where else can I get this? I don't know where else to get it...

(in reference to: ... )