Is there a way to run/compile residual on ppc Mac G4?

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Post by somaen »

Both 4.0 and 4.2 are installed with XCode, the export-lines you added makes 4.2 override 4.0 as default compiler. So... you have 4.2
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Post by Elowan »

Ok, i will try it again and report, if make bundle works then.

But i am a bit concerned about the savegame issue :(
Sound works fine now, and it seems there is some working AA now, because the game dont look jaggy any more but still runs fluid.

I mean, if i can't load a savegame, the whole thing becomes a bit unusefull.

Then playing Grim via Win98 in vpc5 be the only option for me.
Maybe then i'll have to place a big fan beside the powerbook, to keep it from melting ;)

Just an idea: to make sure, i got a working (patched) Grim Version
How can i check this? I think, if i see subtitles in cutscenes (like in the intro Scene) i am fine, right? Subtitles are sometimes bugged, for example when driving to the land of living, the last sentence, said by eva still remains on bottom of the screen. After returning with little bruno, the subtitles of manny and him are mixed, i mean they both overlap and are not readable.
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Post by somaen »

Yes, it's a known issue, subtitles during cutscenes are bugged.

But, if you see them, then you have the patched version.
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Post by Elowan »

Ah, ok thx again!

So, i will compile it again later, this time it should be done with gcc 4.2, asuming the .profile was setup right.

First i must do "make" when in the residual directory, then try "make bundle" and after that, there should be a working app with icon and normally loading a savegame should work then - so that is the plan.

Is there a need to set a save path in residual? First i did not setup one, but in grim game menu, the savegames i made, were found by the game.

Is the residual path only for the auto-save?
Is setting up a savepath essential for savegames to work right?

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Post by giucam »

The only thing i can think of about the savegames issues is an endianness problem. PowerPC is big endian, while Intel is little endian.
I don't own a big endian machine though, so i can't directly fix it. I might send you a patch and you see if it works.
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Post by Elowan »

giucam wrote:The only thing i can think of about the savegames issues is an endianness problem. PowerPC is big endian, while Intel is little endian.
I don't own a big endian machine though, so i can't directly fix it. I might send you a patch and you see if it works.
Awesome, i would test it and report back to you.
In a few hours i will build residual again (with gcc 4.2, i think/hope) and have a look, if the load issue still exists.

Unbelieveable positive support here, from all of you, thx a lot!
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Post by somaen »

Elowan wrote:Is the residual path only for the auto-save?
Is setting up a savepath essential for savegames to work right?
No, and no.

It's set to pretty decent defaults.
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Post by Elowan »

hmm, after changing the env. var. (macports should use gcc 4.2), building didn┬┤t work anymore:

Code: Select all

Powerbook:~ gforce$ cd residual
Powerbook:residual gforce$ make
fatal: cannot describe '1271a8f87f729fc6849b456a879e39ea4582a7b5'
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.

Code: Select all

Powerbook:residual gforce$ make bundle
fatal: cannot describe '1271a8f87f729fc6849b456a879e39ea4582a7b5'
g++   -force_cpusubtype_ALL -o residual-static backends/platform/sdl/hardwarekeys.o backends/platform/sdl/main.o backends/platform/sdl/sdl.o backends/platform/sdl/posix/posix-main.o backends/platform/sdl/posix/posix.o backends/platform/sdl/macosx/macosx-main.o backends/platform/sdl/macosx/macosx.o   base/libbase.a engines/grim/libgrim.a gui/libgui.a backends/libbackends.a engines/libengines.a video/libvideo.a graphics/libgraphics.a audio/libaudio.a common/libcommon.a \
		-framework CoreMIDI \
		`/sw/bin/sdl-config --static-libs` \
		-lz \
/bin/sh: /sw/bin/sdl-config: No such file or directory
Undefined symbols:
  "_glReadPixels", referenced from:
      SdlGraphicsManager::clearOverlay()       in libbackends.a(sdl-graphics.o)
      Grim::GfxOpenGL::storeDisplay()     in libgrim.a(gfx_opengl.o)
what is the problem?
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Post by somaen »

For some reason it falls back to thinking that you have fink (/sw) instead of macports (/opt/local)
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Post by Elowan »

ok, after deleting the complete residual directory and downloading git clone again, fixing the "64bit issue", "make bundle" still fails (same error), but "make" works again.

so, i made a new residual version, played a bit and saved.
now, after loading the saved game, mannys walking animation is running, while he stands still. the game does not react any more - only force-quit ends this...

here is some code snippet:

Code: Select all

WARNING: The node 0 was already allocated. swivel_left.key!
WARNING: The node 0 was already allocated. ma_reach.key!
WARNING: The node 0 was already allocated. ma_reach.key!
WARNING: The node 0 was already allocated. ma_reach.key!
Imuse::restoreState() started.
Imuse::restoreState() finished.
GrimEngine::savegameRestore() finished.
lua: (null)
Active Stack:
	`gettable' tag method at line 2346 [in file Scripts\_system.lua]
	function (Scripts\_options.lua:2937)
	function (Scripts\_options.lua:2894)
WARNING: L1_SetGamma, implement opcode, level: 0!
lua: (null)
Active Stack:
	`error' tag method at line 2365 [in file Scripts\_system.lua]
	function getglobal [in file (C)]
	function (Scripts\_manny.lua:1013)
lua: bad argument #1 to function `getglobal' (string expected)
Active Stack:
	`error' tag method at line 2371 [in file Scripts\_system.lua]
	function getglobal [in file (C)]
	function (Scripts\_manny.lua:1013)
any ideas?

it┬┤s a bit strange... the savegame loads (exact at this point, where i saved it before) but crashes/closes after 2-3 seconds or it freezes with running aninmation on manny - but he doesn┬┤t really move or react to arrow-keys...

in the load option from menu, the "puzzle-tiles" in the above area are shown, but the little preview image of the savegame won┬┤t - it┬┤s just a grey square.

sorry, but don┬┤t know how to describe this better. i don┬┤t know, what else informations i could provide, helping you to solve the issue and/or see, why it┬┤s failing on loading savegames :(

anyway, was a hard day, going to sleep. maybe tomorrow, we┬┤ll see?!

greetings and goodN8
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Post by giucam »

The restore should be fixed now with this commit.
Only the restore though, not the screenshot image.
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Post by somaen »

As a side note, I tested that patch on my PPC, and it still has problems with a few things.

Try this:
Start the game, skip the opening cut-scene, then save
Now reload that save.

What happens at my Powerbook:
The save loads, but Manny is invisible, then the door opens, and we go into the hallway, where Manny is again visible. (All of this without controlling Manny at all).
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Post by Elowan »

Hmm, does loading a savegame work at another point? Like when you take the elevator and go outside the building and perform a save/load?

Just in case, how to install the patch? I am on iphone atm ...

Thx in advance
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Post by giucam »

Elowan wrote:Just in case, how to install the patch? I am on iphone atm ...
Do a git pull and make again.
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Post by somaen »

Also, fix for make-bundle:

Open "configure" in a texteditor, and change line 131 from:



That fixes make bundle atleast for me. (it also has the side-benefit of being a one-time fix). The alternative, is to use configure like this:

./configure --with-staticlib-prefix=/opt/local

(Which, really should be the first solution, when I think about it).

Oh, and saves work alot better in the latest commits.
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