as no one is answering i guess you dont know.
ive changed thread title to bug report
things i'm using
psp v2.01
eloader Bière d'Alsace
scummvm 8.2
BS2 (compressed)
cut-scenes from ScummVM main site
okay the bug im reporting are these in time order i experienced them
1. cut scene Intro does not load / does not crash psp though - just stays blank (even if you wait the duration of the cut scene) - can press home button only
2. whilst talking to warehouse security - clicked on stove icon (to mention it) game crashed - did it a second time (after reloading) game crashed
did it a third time - worked fine
3. whilst talking to nico - clicked on statue icon (to mention it) game crashed - reloaded and didn't try it again
4. cut scene escape does not load/ crashes psp just after george says "hey Nico - i've got a great idea"(or whatever he says)
5. cut scene i dont know the cutscene name yet - its wher you get the statue off of andre in the museum just after the escape does not load
game crashes - every time
if anyone knows the name tell me please
only way i know to combat it
delete the offending cutscenes
as for the other bugs - just try - try again - or dont bother and ignore that icon
if anyone knows of a way to fix these -bugs - please help me
if anyone has had the same problems please post here
broken sword 2 video Bug report
Moderator: ScummVM Team
broken sword 2 video Bug report
Last edited by RavenLife on Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.