ZGI linked play

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ZGI linked play

Post by Robot_Maker20 »

I gather there are plans to incorporate the Z-vision games into Scummvm over Summer, i.e. Zork Nemesis & Grand Inquisitor. Needless to say, I'm over the moon about this, but I'm curious about one thing: Inquisitor had some kind of two-player network co-op mode in its original incarnation - I don't know much about it; nobody else I knew had the game when it was current and I never had a chance to try it out. Can anyone tell me if there are any plans to reproduce this functionality?

I'd guess not, since it'd probably require a whole new module, as Scummvm doesn't use networking for anything else as far as I know, but that in itself raises an interesting possibility - given the modular nature of ScummVM, if there are plans to add this feature, how much more difficult would it be to make it an option for most or all other ScummVM games (i.e. a part of the ScummVM interface itself, rather than part of a particular game)?

NB: this is not intended to be a request, and especially not one of those please-program-this-for-me-while-I-do-nothing requests. I'm just curious about the technicalities, and whether anyone already involved happens to plan to try it.
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Post by digitall »

1. There are no plans to my knowledge for our GSoC student to implement the network functionality.

2. The idea of adding network functionality has been mooted for a few other games which had some network features, but this has not been implemented in any way.

3. If this was implemented, we would probably expose a TCP/IP socket API in OSystem for basic communication... but the security issues involved would have to be considered.

Overall, there has been no compelling reason to add this or game which requires it... mainly as the P&C Adventure Genre is defacto single player and mainly pitting your knowledge, logic, skill against a story written by the author... Similar to desktop D&D quests or this really old technology called "Books" :)
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Post by Robot_Maker20 »

Yeah, I had a feeling that would be the case. Linked play is kind of a weird idea for adventure games, as you rightly point out - the real, traditional multiplayer adventure experience consists of 2+ friends clustered in front of the same screen, constantly telling each other that a given suggestion won't solve the puzzle instead of just trying it out, in between bouts of squabbling over the mouse. Pizza would probably also be involved. Ahh, memories :D
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