How to compile for iOS, how to create the XCode project file

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How to compile for iOS, how to create the XCode project file

Post by DanEEStar »

I am trying to compile the iOS version of ScummVM to use on my non jail-broken iPad. But so far I was not successful.

The scummvm.xcodeproj in dists/iphone does not seem to be up to date and contains references to files which do not exist anymore.

The readme file in dist/iphone contains this section:
The Xcode project files can now be created automatically from the GCC
files using the create_project tool inside the /tools/create_project folder.
I was able to compile the XCode version of the create_project which is in devtools/creaete_project/xcode.
But I don't know how to continue with this create_project tool.

When I run it with the source folder it gives me the following error:

Code: Select all

ERROR: No project type has been specified!
When I run it with the --xcode flag as indicated in the help section I get the following error:

Code: Select all

ERROR: Unknown parameter "--xcode"
How should I continue? Any hints?

Thanks in adance

I was able to compile the standard Mac OSX version through the standard configure and make commands by the way.
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Post by DrMcCoy »

For some reason I am not privy to (*), XCode support is disabled in the create_project tool. You can enable it by uncommenting the #define ENABLE_XCODE in create_project.cpp on line 23.

(*) The relevant commit only says "Disable XCode support by default", so I don't know if there was a good reason for doing that.
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Post by digitall »

@DrMcCoy: That is commit eda43c2d8656458979c0aa15b7ad44f2125fa906 dated 2011-09-03 16:38:50 by Littleboy... However, the authoring date and commit date are not the same. This was committed on 2011-09-07 00:17:38.

Checking the IRC logs for this date confirms this and gives some context i.e. Littleboy was adding the experimental MSVC support to create_project and seems to have disabled the also experimental XCode project support at the same time: ... ormat=html

Some comments from him there...
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Post by digitall »

I should also point out that due to GMT+1 vs GMT issues on the IRC logs and this being near midnight, the actual commit referred to is on the previous day's logs at 23:46: ... ormat=html

I suggest that asking Littleboy about this and what is blocking enabling XCode support in create_project by default would be productive in fixing this for the future.
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Post by digitall »

@DanEEStar: XCode IDE support for compiling ScummVM is a secondary method and the project files are only updated periodically by the iOS porter (usually near each release).

I would suggest to try using the "Unofficial SDK" method: ... mVM/iPhone
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Post by md5 »

IIRC, the XCode support isn't finished yet, which is why it isn't enabled by default. You can use it, but it won't produce fully usable project files
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