I am sure that you all have had experience with a game guide in some form. You know how it is to read a large chunk of text and how it is to watch someone else play the game on youtube. There is one major problem there: video and text are both linear. But games are not. There are nearly always multiple things to do. Sometimes clearly stated, sometimes not.
Traditional guides are unable to cope with games, the games are too complex.
So the idea is to make something that is able to cope with the complexity. And the only thing I can think of that can do that is a computer program.
As such, I am trying to make exactly that: A program that offers guiding for games.
I have already made a prototype. The prototype covers part of The Curse of Monkey Island. Specifically, all of part 1 and most of part 2.
The prototype has some requirements:
- Windows Vista or higher is required.
- Only 32 bit builds are supported
- It needs debugging symbols for the ScummVM build in PDB format. That's what visual studio produces.
- As mentioned, it only supports The Curse of Monkey Island.