I did some playtesting of Operation Stealth including using Valgrind to shake out any issues around 2010/2011.
It is completable ie. "Operation Stealth is completable with gfx glitches (256 colors/DOS/English (GB) SVN r55198 2010-01-10).:
and the graphical glitches are documented here:
finish Operation Stealth support
Graphics Glitches:
Scene 1 Room 4 (Airport - Baggage Belt) - Palette glitch if "Operate" is performed on "American Passport" inventory item.
Double fade out glitch on scene changes, notably in Scene 2 Room 5 (Bank Vault).
Scene 3 Underwater Animation Sequence seem very hard in last screen. Timing bug? Add "oxygenCheat" command for playtesting?
Scene 6 Room 2 (Mansion Study, Safe Closeup) - LED Digits (mainly 4) Missing Segments.
Scene 8 (Cutscene - Top Of Porthole Tunnel Ladder) - Background around Ego (John) square with incorrect color.
Scene 8 Room 1 (Piranha Tank Cage) - Background to right of Cage incorrect color - Grey.
Scene 8 Room 1 (Piranha Tank Cage) - John on Wire to Grill animation is incorrect..
Scene 9 Room 12 (Master Control Room) - Background around console lights in bottom-left corner has square with incorrect color.
Scene 9 Room 12 (Master Control Room) - Countdown LED Digits (mainly 4) Missing Segments.
Scene 9 (On Gantry before boarding Helicopter) - Ego (John) background is incorrect and Ego is Black - incorrect palette?
Save/Load not possible between Scene 5 (Otto throws John into Sea off Boat) until after Scene 6 Labyrinth Arcade Sequence and During Scene 8 Rat Labyrinth Arcade Sequences - Think this was possible in the original and makes the arcade sequences much harder.
WARNING: Unable to find part file for filename '02-.ADL'!
WARNING: Unable to load soundfx instrument '02-.ADL'!
WARNING: Unable to find part file for filename 'QTRACK32.SPL'!
Misspelling Script Bugs :
Object "Bench of Bank Notes" - Should be Bunch
Read(y) - Missing y
Passport "English" should be British
Electrique Cable (for Razor) - should be Electric
Clean up any remaining memory leaks