Simon the Sorcerer: 25th Anniversary Edition on ScummVM ??

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Simon the Sorcerer: 25th Anniversary Edition on ScummVM ??

Post by DjDiabolik »

I have see it. on 03 April 2018 there's will be released this anniversary edition also on STEAM and also on GOG store.

I have see the GOG version.......installed it and played some hours.
After this i have look inside the installation folder and i see it's "simply" the "old" VGA CD version played by an oldest version of ScummVM engine (it's say 1.8.0 apparently).

This create a very big issue whit mouse controller (like it's also reported in some other thread....) jump around the screen randomly. This issue disappears to use the latest Kyrben Daily Build and it's appears only on windows 8/10.

At this point after copyed some files and other overwritted some other i have found a way to play this "newest" version directly whit ScummVM but there's some little differences:
- On 25Th edition there's a new interface over the old.... apparently all object it's not signed by a big circle.
- There's a newest start menu... preferences menù and other things.
- On 25th edition cons.. there's only 8 slot for savegames. And very very short strings for named it. There's better in this case using ScummVM.

But apparently on 25Th edition there's a great graphical filter...... on ScummVM i have tryed to use the HQ3x but it's not the same.
It's someone can give some information about this ?
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Re: Simon the Sorcerer: 25th Anniversary Edition on ScummVM

Post by eriktorbjorn »

DjDiabolik wrote: But apparently on 25Th edition there's a great graphical filter...... on ScummVM i have tryed to use the HQ3x but it's not the same.
It's someone can give some information about this ?
The source code on the MojoTouch web site contains references to something called xBRZ, so maybe that's what they're using?

(Though judging by the screenshots GOG put up on their store pages, the result doesn't look that great to me for these particular games.)
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Re: Simon the Sorcerer: 25th Anniversary Edition on ScummVM

Post by DjDiabolik »

eriktorbjorn wrote:
DjDiabolik wrote: But apparently on 25Th edition there's a great graphical filter...... on ScummVM i have tryed to use the HQ3x but it's not the same.
It's someone can give some information about this ?
The source code on the MojoTouch web site contains references to something called xBRZ, so maybe that's what they're using?

(Though judging by the screenshots GOG put up on their store pages, the result doesn't look that great to me for these particular games.)
Yeah... i have also found a similar thread on Twimbleweek park official board.
Also here some user speak about a filter called xBRZ and someone says it's a filter used usually by DosBox.

Instead this 25Th used ScummVM.... but i don't have idea it's does.
Infact i use HQ3X and i thinks it's ok........ i have a dubs:
On TAB Graphics there's three voices.... Correct Aspect Ratio to maintain the original aspect ratio, The full screen and the third say "Apply Graphicals Filter". I have a dubs about this.... it's an addictional filter or it's a option to enable/disable the upper config (when i select HQ3X) ?
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Post by criezy »

As the name suggests the HQ3x filters multiplies by 3 the original game size. So for example with Simon the Sorcerer the original game resolution is 320x200 pixels, and with the HQ3x filter you get it at a size of 960x600 pixels (or, if you use aspect ratio correction, 960x720 pixels). If you play the game in a window of that size, then there is no additional filter. But if you resize the window to a different size, or play full screen, then the game is further scaled to that size, and the Apply Graphical Filter option controls this additional scaling. If the option is on, it uses bilinear interpolation, and otherwise nearest neighbour.
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