Pajama Sam 2 RUS - No speach

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Pajama Sam 2 RUS - No speach

Post by zolimax »

The official (Akella) WIN Russian localisation of "Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening" is fine runnin on Windows 7 64 but I whant to run on ScummVM (later on other platforms). So, in 2.1.2 no speach with any speach settings. No errors in console. Also I tryed 2.2.0 from - first it was the same, but later not responding. Also, 2.2.0 from for win - on first speach was termenated in unusual way. Some peoples think its because of Lokalizator.dll file used in .exe (Akella had all sources as official publisher, and it included this file in main .exe). The only subf used is Gettalkie. The same problem on Spy Fox 3 was talken (but I have not cheked).
So, is any idea how to fix? I can help any what I can.
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Re: Pajama Sam 2 RUS - No speach

Post by Raziel »

Do you know which version of Pajama Sam 2 this translation is based on?

Can you post all the files in your Pajama Sam 2 game drawer with size and md5sums?

I take it the russian translation do work with ScummVM? (text displayed in russian?)
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Re: Pajama Sam 2 RUS - No speach

Post by zolimax »


Code: Select all

27.03.2006  22:54                47 akella.url
29.03.2006  20:19                47 cdgames.url
07.11.2006  21:47            94 508 Ja-ad.pcx
25.10.2004  12:42            57 386 Lokalizator.big
23.10.2004  14:37           151 552 Lokalizator.dll
23.11.2006  19:27       115 842 524 PajamaTAL.(a)
25.10.2004  12:06            45 056 PajamaTAL.d32
26.10.2004  12:31           475 182 PajamaTAL.exe
25.10.2004  13:36            60 678 PajamaTAL.he0
30.08.2004  20:36        73 165 440 PajamaTAL.he2
03.05.2001  14:22        22 611 842 PajamaTAL.he4
23.11.2006  19:37             2 261 PajamaTAL.inf
23.11.2006  19:35             4 869 readme.txt
16.07.2020  19:06             3 827 unins000.dat
16.07.2020  19:05           674 208 unins000.exe

Code: Select all

db44e8cc1b7fca0765cd97d7d639820a *akella.url
c7e41f7fe224fbfcbd8cc50e6cf965f3 *cdgames.url
c8acfa6cdfe1fb8cfbd78b103300c34b *Ja-ad.pcx
43d52b6dcb3a94332d58040fa502f858 *Lokalizator.big
29f0167337f2d8796335a7116ec6df79 *Lokalizator.dll
63a7f269fa5914f027c0f5789d4c86a4 *PajamaTAL.(a)
dcfe41c0e392ec65b7ae80261ac84bbc *PajamaTAL.d32
738be524db140dc1c7fd6ddfab647c0b *PajamaTAL.exe
32709cbeeb3044b34129950860a83f14 *PajamaTAL.he0
f71fe00306d8246bd5f7ee99703aaaff *PajamaTAL.he2
297787a960f2b591bb98add9b0689e9f *PajamaTAL.he4
0c57652dd825119cb7bcaa7264f99252 *PajamaTAL.inf
46491ba44959576a133d2b15ef7a7194 *readme.txt
502a364afd813f6766bee7531132f4bb *unins000.dat
7825fe4ac78ea86438c14cbd483011d1 *unins000.exe
I think they (Akella) could make uniq version, because they had all sources. But may be they used sometheing from english version.
Graphic (text on various objects on screen) displayed in russian. Subtitles not translated and in english, but in win app there no way to turn subtitles on (I think they just deleted some controlls). And in win app speach is working good.
And I tested in ScummVM more. If speach is enabled, it will not responding anyway in sometime.
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Re: Pajama Sam 2 RUS - No speach

Post by sev »

This is a known limitation, perhaps we'd better issue a warning and refuse to run.

They put all the indexes into that file Lokalizator.big and that is processed by Lokalizator.dll which was not reversed. Nothing could be done until somebody cracks those 150kb of code.

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