Grim Fandango on the Mac

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Grim Fandango on the Mac

Post by woodsyallen »

Hi Everyone,

So I've been trying for a while to get this thing up and running and today just found out about ResidualVM. I've used scummvm in the past and if this is in the same vein im super excited.

im just curious though... what the heck do I do to get this up and running? I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to coding and such so ive never actually compiled something before...

so if anyone could give me like an easy step by step way to get this all set and ready to play grim that'd be AMAZinG!
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Post by ezekiel000 »

If you have OSX the download is here:
(If not I don't know I run Linux)

Setting up residual this might help: ... ation_File
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Post by woodsyallen »

trying to go to the second link asks for a username and password...
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Post by ezekiel000 »

It seems you need a Sourceforge account to see the wiki I didn't realise that.

Here's the bit the might help:
ResidualVM Configuration File

By default, the configuration file is saved in, and loaded from:
* Mac OS X:
~/Library/Preferences/ResidualVM Preferences

An example config file looks as follows:


path=[path to all the .lab files]
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Post by woodsyallen »

cool. so do i have to put my own info into the config file? cause right now its blank...
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Post by ezekiel000 »

Yes you have to enter the info that is in the example above, and then I when you run residual the first time it will add all the rest of the settings to the file (I think, it's been a while since I did this).
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Post by Longcat »

Just to be clear, ResidualVM is FAR from finished, still has A LOT of bugs, will not allow you to save/load your game or even finish playing. Yet, that is.
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Post by MeddlingMonk »

To give you some additional help (since you call yourself a newbie), here's the most important stuff from my on ResidualVM Preferences file:


path=/Applications/ResidualVM Games/grim
savepath=/Applications/ResidualVM Saves

Obviously the path will be wherever you actually put your game data. You don't have to specifiy a savepath but I find it useful. Most of the other options are pretty obvious as well except for the last one.

As Longcat said, ResidualVM is far from a finished product and when you start the game it often isn't very long before you're stopped by a crash. But if dev mode is set to TRUE, you can hop around the game using that last line. You'll to consult the debug set list you can find on the wiki. Usage is fairly simple. If that last line is not present, or it begins with a semicolon like I have above, ResidualVM with start GF at the opening cutscene. Without the semicolon, the game will begin in whatever set you specify (bk.set is the Blue Casket kitchen, BTW). However, there is a limitation in that the game always starts with no inventory except the scythe.
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Post by woodsyallen »

ahh okay well then i'll hold off I guess. I've never played the game before and thought this might be a solution to getting it playable on a mac.

but i can keep waiting! thanks for the tips though guys!

if only i could find an old PC to play it on. haha

same with the new monkey island game -- crazy how a game that once fit on a floppy now requires such a powerful machine. well, relatively speaking.
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Post by Jon God »

Any chance on a PPC build?

Also, I just found this place, so forgive me for being newbish, but whatever happened to Grim X?
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Post by ezekiel000 »

GrimX isn't an official part of ResidualVM just a custom front-end for it and it seems to have been abandoned a while back.
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Post by MeddlingMonk »

Jon God wrote:Any chance on a PPC build?
That might be slim to none. You could build it yourself if you're at all inclined to learn something new. The hardest part is getting started, and it's time consuming to set up the environment, but there's not a lot of knowledge required and once Xcode and Fink or MacPorts are set up it's actually very simple to build ResidualVM.
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