I'm pretty new on this forum but I investigate ResidualVM for some weeks.
I've already compiled the last GIT revision (f71f984) on a Raspberry PI 2 (kernel 4.4.13-v7).
My objective is to port it on Recalbox, a retro-gaming platform supporting a lot of systems.
So, the games should be playable with joystick only.
I patched the sources to:
- allow the display of virtual keyboard from joystick button
- emulate mouse from joystick when opened (and generally when mouse cursor is displayed)
If interested, I can create a pull-request on GitHub.
But I also have a problem: when starting ResidualVM on full-screen with acceleration, the game crashes.
Here is a detailed log of commands launched and debug messages:
Code: Select all
# export SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so
# export SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so
# residualvm --fullscreen --debuglevel=99 --joystick=0 --extrapath=/usr/share/residualvm --path=Grim\ Fandango grim
Debuglevel (from command line): 99
Using SDL Video Driver "RPI"
Using joystick: Logitech Gamepad F710
Using SDL Audio Driver "alsa"
Output sample rate: 44100 Hz
Output buffer size: 4096 samples
OpenGL maximum texture size: 2048
OpenGL GLSL version: 100
OpenGL: GLES2 context initialized
OpenGL: NPOT texture support: 1
OpenGL: Shader support: 1
OpenGL: FBO support: 1
OpenGL: Packed depth stencil support: 0
OpenGL: Unpack subimage support: 0
Framebuffer is not complete! status: 36061!
Have you a solution ? Some hints or advices to resolve this ?
Thank you.
I also have some other questions ... but only one at a time !