Prevent automatic window resizing, and set grouping series

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Prevent automatic window resizing, and set grouping series

Post by Wronschien »

Hello, some games (the Gobliiins series for instance) force the game window size when started. It's a bit of pain having to manually resize every time I play.
I really can't find a way to prevent that. A workaround is to set fullscreen but that's not what I want.
Any solution ?

Edit : Btw, the CD versions of these games aren't listed in the Gobliins series as the floppy versions are (when grouping by series), is there a way to set a series for any given game ?
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Re: Prevent automatic window resizing, and set grouping series

Post by sev »

It normally remembers the last window dimensions, especially with OpenGL renderer. Make sure that the scaler is set for the game if you're using SDL renderer.

As for the gobliiins series, it is an overlook and will be fixed with the next icon pack, due this week.

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Re: Prevent automatic window resizing, and set grouping series

Post by Wronschien »

Thanks for the reply, I'm using opengl renderer and stetching is set to adapt to the window. It works with most games. Only a few refuse and instead force a small window size on start, which can be then be dragged to resize.
I usually don't need scalers but I found another workaround with normal scaler and x4 or x5 multiplier, it's still not adapting to the window but at least the size is comfortable to play with.

You mean that Gobliiins CD versions will be grouped with the floppy ones ? That's nice but why not include an option to let the user change the series a game belongs to ?
Btw, what is an icon pack for ScummVM ? An uodate ?
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