0.9.1 preview 1 released - feedback thread.

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0.9.1 preview 1 released - feedback thread.

Post by DJWillis »

Information and a download can be found here.

Feedback would be really apprecated.
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Post by pkostrze »

Excellent release. I'd had problems with the menu on earlier eleases but this works like a charm! One problem though... are save games from earlier versions usable? I tried copying my old XXXXXX.000 and XXXXX.s00 files hoping at least one would be recognized but no luck so far. any suggestions? It's not a huge deal as the app is running phenominal and I can play Kyrandia finally but I was pretty far along in DOTT and Maniac Mansion and hate to start over again. Anyway, enough wingeing from me - excellent release, I look forward to future ones as well. Great work.
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Post by sev »

Which game do you have problems with saves? In which way they are not recognized?

Make sure that saves are named after gameids. I.e. Game Options -> Game -> ID. You may see there "tentaclea", so you have to name your saves "tentaclea.s00", "tentaclea.s01" etc, or overwrite the gameid.

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Post by pkostrze »

Apparently it was the "I'm a Moron" game... I copied over the files again and they showed up. Originally, in Fate of Atlantis, the save files didn't show up in the load screen. I just tried DOTT and they're all there... either I screwed something up the first time or I was seeing things. The only problem now is the "Exit" option on the menu takes you to a never-ending black screen. At I think it's never-ending, I powered off after a minute or so of waiting.
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Post by loki666 »

monkey island 2 (platform: FMTOWNS)
the pictures during the credits intro sequence (just after the two monkeys dancing) are not shown correctly, there are white blocks in place of.

monkey island 2 (platform: PC)
seems to woks fine so far
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Post by matbird »

can i just say that this is an excellent release, and that this port is the main reason i bought my GP2x - thoroughly excellent work! during brief tests with BASS, Loom, MI1 and MI2 i've found no problems other than the inability to save in BASS which you have alrady mentioned. in the README you say that the autosave function works - how is this used?
thanks and keep up the good work :)
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Post by DJWillis »

Thanks for the feedback so far.

As for saves, as long as they have the correct GameID and are in /saves folder under the executable you should be ok.

Unfortunately I don't own any FMTOWNS games (Other then Loom) so I can't test them :(.

matbird, BASS autosaves should happen every 4 mins just make sure you exit ScummVM (well in this case cause the exit crash) to ensure they are synced to the SD card (that will be cleaned up once I work out some sync code that does not break other stuff).

A new preview build with a number of fixes should be out in a few days I hope time permitting.
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