Hello everybody!
First, I wanted to thank agentq for this nice port, (sorry for my english but i'm from spain)
I've read many topics, but i still haven't found a solution. I've a M3 Lite, and using the last version (without DLDI) everything seems to work properly, but one or two days later, my savegames simply dissapear. i've tested as *ds.gba files as *.nds files, but my savegames also dissapear.
When i looked in DLDI web, i found a DLDI for M3 released by agentq, so i wondered if scummvm will work fine if i patch it. it does?
And a question for agentq: have you thought in adding a 1x view in upper screen? 1x = no adjust/resize (the option is already available in lower screen, but i find more comfortable to use the scaled view in lower, having a 1x non-scaled view. it also could improve the readibility of the conversations.
Thanks a lot!
DLDI in M3 Lite?
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