Quick and Easy Week - Starts next Monday (October 29th)

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Quick and Easy Week - Starts next Monday (October 29th)

Post by bgbennyboy »

Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong area, or if anyone considers this spamming.

Read the original post.

Starting next Monday (October 29th), Quick and Easy Week will begin. Every day I’ll release a new tool or an update to an existing one.

If you’ve never visited my site before, then take a look at the software page. Here you’ll find a variety of utilities to fix, edit, extract and enhance games. The tools tend to reflect my interests so are mainly concerned with adventure or adventure-related games from Lucasarts, Telltale Games and Doublefine Productions.

I’m not going to reveal which tools are getting an update, or what the new tools are but if you take a look at the software page and previous news posts you’ll probably be able to guess. Anyone who’s contacted me over the past year to request a feature should be pleased. I’ve gone through all my emails and tried to fix every bug and implement every suggestion that was feasible. Vista users and those with 64 bit versions of Windows will also benefit, all tools released next week will be fully compatible with these.

As always the tools will be completely free, but should you want to show your appreciation and support my work, you can do so via a paypal donation. You can also help by spreading the word about Quick And Easy Week; Digg this post, start a thread on a forum, tell your friends - it all helps.

Long time visitors will recall that this has happened before. The last Quick and Easy Week was a nostalgia-inducing three years ago . This one will be bigger and better, I promise. Or your money back.*

*Offer subject to availability, terms and conditions apply.
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