Unable to play both adlib and MIDI in MI1

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Unable to play both adlib and MIDI in MI1

Post by jihanj »

I tried to play Secret of Monkey Island (VGA floppy version) in a long while but couldn't get it to play music with Windows MIDI while playing sound effects with adlib. I've the Mixed Adlib/MIDI option but I only hear MIDI music with no sound effects (door opening, stew boiling, etc.) I tried Indy 4 and MI2, which I know to also have both MIDI and adlib effects and they work just fine. But somehow I can't for the life of me get MI1 to playback both music and effects. Now when I choose adlib instead of Windows MIDI both adlib music and effects play fine. But no luck with midi/adlib combined. I tried it on two separate PCs to no avail. Any advice?

The OS is Windows XP.
Ceri Cat
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Post by Ceri Cat »

Open the sound mixer panel from your taskbar (usually a speaker icon), and check the midi volume isn't set to nothing, then check SCUMM VM's volume setting and the one inside the floppy version. That being said though there isn't a lot of music in the pre iMUSE games like MI except on the CD version, though I know MI does have some.

If those don't work, how about telling me what your soundcard and OS are because depending on those details you might have other problems.
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

I still get the door opening/closing sound in mixed Adlib/MIDI mode, but not the sound of the boiling pot.

My guess (though I haven't actually checked) is that there is a MIDI version of that sound effect (but not of the door sounds). It's possible that ScummVM plays it wrong, though.
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Post by Kirben »

Mixed Adlib/MIDI for Monkey Island (EGA/VGA Floppy) requires ScummVM 0.12.0svn, so make sure you are using a daily snapshot.

Also a couple of sound effects (ie boiling pot) are actually disabled by scripts, when using MIDI music.
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