I had an idea of how to add subtitles to games that didn't originally have them in a system that's flexible enough that people could make their own subtitles (maybe even for translations?).
1) The game engine in scummvm reports the name of the audio file it's about to play if the subtitles option is turned on
2) A separate file in the scummvm directory (for example t7g.sub) contains a list of entries with the audio file names, x,y position, timestamps, and the subtitle text.
3) Subtitle text is printed on the screen at x,y (in whatever native resolution the game is in) as the audio file plays with cues from the timestamps.
So the .sub file would look something like:
Code: Select all
# Subtitles file for The 7th Guest
# begin list of audio files
# x,y @ hour:minute:second:milisecond
100,48@00:00:01:45="This is some text"
100,48@00:00:05:18="This is more text"
60,80@00:00:00:01="you get the point"