Yes, I'm aware that the protection is disabled by default in MI2 anyway, but since playing the Kixx XL budget rerelease of the Amiga version, and noticing how it skips the whole recipe business at startup and takes you straight to the difficulty select option (I believe the FM-Towns version does something very similar), I was wondering whether it'd be possible for one to implement this sort of 'hackery' into the DOS version.
From hex-comparing, it seems "monkey2.001" was edited for the Kixx Amiga version (matching the way "disk01.lec" was edited for their reissue of MI1), compared to the original retail one. So with careful trepidation, many hours of testing and endless editing later, I finally managed to replicate it! My edited MONKEY2.001 now jumps past the codewheel recipe entirely, but unlike the CD-ROM version, it'll still let you select out of "Monkey Island 2" or "Monkey 2 Lite".
This is something I don't intend on sharing round of course, but if any developer would be interested in my (rather simple) code changes, in the possibility that this could be 'officially' inducted into the ScummVM code, feel free to PM me.
Possible to cleanly skip MI2 codewheel after all?
Moderator: ScummVM Team
Though I should add that running either the Kixx XL Amiga version or my hacked DOS one through ScummVM will report countless instances of the following 'error'(?) in the console window:
I call it 'error' that way since the game will still continue onwards regardless - at least it doesn't crash to a debug console, or simply terminate the app altogether.
I take it this is what you meant by the opcode A7 stuff? Bear in mind this is all gobbledegook to someone like moi.
Code: Select all
WARNING: o5_dummy invoked (opcode 167)!
I take it this is what you meant by the opcode A7 stuff? Bear in mind this is all gobbledegook to someone like moi.