Hi, I got discworld 2 and ScummVM and the game works fine for me on XP, My dad however has Windows 7 and has done exactly the same as me but cant get the game to work.....
when he opens scummVM and then tries to find the game it just is not there? Can any1 help? Thanks
Strangerke wrote:Maybe you should check if the win7 is 32 or 64 Bits. If it's the 64 Bits version, make sure you installed the 64 Bits version of ScummVM too.
Shouldn't make any difference, really. Virtually all 32 bit programs run fine on 64 bit Windows 7.
You're a little bit unclear about your problem. Are you saying the game can't be detected? If so, then your dad probably did not set the files up correctly. Make sure he's renamed the files from both CDs correctly. If the game actually crashes, then do try running it from the console (Start->Run->cmd.exe), and post what error message comes up here. Also make sure he is running the latest version of ScummVM (stable or SVN). Discworld was only added fairly recently.
KuroShiro: "Virtually all 32 bit programs run fine on 64 bit Windows 7." ... Maybe, but my father had a lot of troubles with a 32bit ScummVM on a 64 bits Win7...
Strangerke wrote:KuroShiro: "Virtually all 32 bit programs run fine on 64 bit Windows 7." ... Maybe, but my father had a lot of troubles with a 32bit ScummVM on a 64 bits Win7...
There shouldn't really be any difference, unless the code makes assumptions about the maximum size of pointers and integers or does weird casts.
All the 'hidden horrors' mentioned in there like int<->pointer casts work just fine for 32bit binaries on a 64bit OS though. As least as long as there are proper 32bit versions installed of all the libraries you call.......
Well dad exactly same game as me but i have XP and he has windows 7! his OS Is 32b and so is his version of ScummVM, When he clicks Install on discworld 2 nothing at all happens...... It Just Freezes.... :-\ thanks
JohnnyLJ wrote:Well dad exactly same game as me but i have XP and he has windows 7! his OS Is 32b and so is his version of ScummVM, When he clicks Install on discworld 2 nothing at all happens...... It Just Freezes.... :-\ thanks
Follow KuroShiro's advice and just copy the files as mentioned here to his hard drive, preferably into it's own folder. There should be no need to run the game's installer.
Ok Well We got the game to work using scummVM, not using daemon tools as games on the hard drive and scummVM plays it straight off the hard drive, But ive now finished disc 2 and when it says change to disc 2, there is no way? I read some forums saying use daemon tools... ive tried but unsuccessfully, Any help would be greatly appreciated...... Thanks! Johnny!:)
JohnnyLJ wrote:Ok Well We got the game to work using scummVM, not using daemon tools as games on the hard drive and scummVM plays it straight off the hard drive, But ive now finished disc 2 and when it says change to disc 2, there is no way?
I was under the impression that ScummVM wouldn't ask for you to change disc if you've copied all the necessary files from both discs (some renaming required) to a folder on your hard disk. But I haven't taken the time to play through Discworld II with ScummVM yet myself.